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Summary in the Virgin Freeroll


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At the beginning of the tourney , was raising rags and stuffs and got caught out a few times . Went down to 1000 chips and thought i was out . Went all in with rags and doubled up to 4k . Got caught stealing again and went down to 2k + . Forgotten what happened after that but got up to 8 k chips after some hands . Think i knocked some pl players out too , not sure whom but i think there's one or 2 . After i knock kevshat out of the table with the hand history in the calender thread , something really funny happened . Its so rigged that i was scared ! All the table players are afraid . All are thinking of me stealing , but i had the hands ! I had hands like QQ( AT least 10 times ) AQ ( At least 20 times ) . Sometimes i have these hands consecutively . Even when i had hands like J4 , A2 . Someone actually raised before the flop . I thought about calling but didn't . The Flop came J4 on one time when 2 parties had KK , AA . Would have busted out the 2 of them for a major chip lead . And A2 also came on the flop on one occasion . All in all , off the last 60 hands i played . At least 50 were monsters to begin with , i'm really freaking out !:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall To be honest , i have never been so lucky in my whole life at poker . What is happening ?

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Re: Summary in the Virgin Freeroll thanks for the support on the final table . To be honest , i tried stealing 2 times at the final table . first one was good . the 2nd one was caught . I'll post the hand history here . Did i play that poorly ? Hand #398094355 at table: V-Points Freeroll Started: Mon Aug 21 05:56:41 2006 pitchie is at seat 1 with 181770.00 Settings1 is at seat 2 with 108400.00 Aphexuall is at seat 4 with 135545.00 nykard is at seat 5 with 63322.00 ian65 is at seat 6 with 64202.00 pokerdaz is at seat 8 with 32261.00 ian65 posts the large blind 15000.00 nykard posts the small blind 7500.00 nykard: --, -- ian65: --, -- pokerdaz: --, -- pitchie: --, -- Settings1: Jc, 7s Aphexuall: --, -- Pre-flop: pokerdaz: Fold pitchie: Fold Settings1: Raise 45000.00 Aphexuall: Fold nykard: All in ian65: Fold Settings1: Call 70822.00 Showdown: Settings1 shows: Jc, 7s (high card, Jack) nykard shows: Ac, Qh (high card, Ace) Flop (Board: 9c, 4c, 8c): Turn (Board: 9c, 4c, 8c, 3d): River (Board: 9c, 4c, 8c, 3d, Kh): Mainpot: nykard wins the pot of 156644 with high card, Ace (0.00 rake were taken for this hand) I know he re-raised me , if i folded , i've thrown away a large chunk of stack for nothing . Do you think i should have called him ?

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Re: Summary in the Virgin Freeroll not too sure if i'd have played that hand to begin with imho. You were correct in what you say in that you would have thrown away a large chunk of your stack but at least you would have still been in the tourney. Although looking at the blinds not for long. In summary perhaps the wrong hand to start raising on anyway especially pre-flop? Thats my 2cents anyway......

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Re: Summary in the Virgin Freeroll for me im not playing pre flop. yes once he re raises its a call. thing with stealing blinds is position etc. with the blinds so high any pair and pictures is going all in ...u have 4 to get through..u want the blinds go all in here ... u dont want to be playing for hours and making the final table then chucking away ur chance to win with j/7os.

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Re: Summary in the Virgin Freeroll IMO , i see the scenario in that the blinds are real huge now . I gotta make a steal somehow or rather to keep myself afloat . In fact , J7o was one of my best hands at the final table other than the 2s . I keep getting 210 o on my final table just now . (Kind of rigged back against me :loon ) i was thinking in my mind that if i fold , i'll have 50 k left . with blinds of 7500/15000 to go , the blinds put on offer would be stolen by someone at least . So that leaves me with about 30k and is easily callable by the bigger stacks . If i make that big break , to attempt further steals would be easier as people would be more way of calling my raises . Thats what i feel at the moment .

for me im not playing pre flop. yes once he re raises its a call. thing with stealing blinds is position etc. with the blinds so high any pair and pictures is going all in ...u have 4 to get through..u want the blinds go all in here ... u dont want to be playing for hours and making the final table then chucking away ur chance to win with j/7os.
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Re: Summary in the Virgin Freeroll Right ! :ok I need to fold that . enough said . I'll remember that for future tourneys . I really Learnt A Lot of my weaknesses Today !

as said in the other thread, if you had folded after the re-raise, you would have had 63k still....enough to re-build and go on to win.
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Re: Summary in the Virgin Freeroll

as said in the other thread, if you had folded after the re-raise, you would have had 63k still....enough to re-build and go on to win.
But once he'd bet, he was getting HUGE pot odds to call the reraise. If his opponent had shown him he had pocket aces, it would still be right to call. About the only hand opponent could show that would make me sorry I'd called would be pocket jacks.
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Re: Summary in the Virgin Freeroll

But once he'd bet' date=' he was getting [b']HUGE pot odds to call the reraise. If his opponent had shown him he had pocket aces, it would still be right to call. About the only hand opponent could show that would make me sorry I'd called would be pocket jacks.
maybe heads up id say yes....but not when your 3rd chip leader and would only be 4th after folding, to jepordise your whole tourney by calling with a weak hand regardless of pot odds is silly IMO
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Re: Summary in the Virgin Freeroll

maybe heads up id say yes....but not when your 3rd chip leader and would only be 4th after folding' date=' to jepordise your whole tourney by calling with a weak hand regardless of pot odds is silly IMO[/quote'] But he'll have to jeopardize his tournament pretty soon anyway or he'll be blinded away. You have to risk chips to win chips ... or even not to lose chips when the blinds are this high. If he folds now he'll be short-stacked. If he calls then he has about a two in three chance of being very short-stacked, and about a one in three chance of being chip leader (against his opponent's actual hand). He's tried to steal, rightly or wrongly, and he's now left with a short-stack. It's pretty likely he's not going to get a better chance than this to build a decent stack. IMO, folding here would just be blind optimism that a better opportunity would come up in the next few hands. It probably won't.
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Re: Summary in the Virgin Freeroll

All in all , off the last 60 hands i played . At least 50 were monsters to begin with , i'm really freaking out !:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall To be honest , i have never been so lucky in my whole life at poker . What is happening ?
When it comes to chance/luck/probablility we find it hard to comprehend as people - so we try to rationalise it, talking about good streaks/bad streaks etc. You were just at the fortunate end of the scale a lot tonight.. you would've come away thinking similarly if you'd lost to a series of impossible beats..
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Re: Summary in the Virgin Freeroll It comes too frequently that it kind of gets freaky i guess :loon:loon:loon Don't think i'll be able to get these kind of hole cards ever again . :unsure:unsure

When it comes to chance/luck/probablility we find it hard to comprehend as people - so we try to rationalise it' date=' talking about good streaks/bad streaks etc. You were just at the fortunate end of the scale a lot tonight.. you would've come away thinking similarly if you'd lost to a series of impossible beats..[/quote']
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