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KK Shorthanded


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I think one of my main problems is failure to get the maximum value out of premium hands, especially shorthanded - how would you play this? Bazzer is reasonably loose, but by no means a maniac. Gayego seems fairly steady, nothing stands out for him. Hand #397874433 at table: 5 Player $5 NL Started: Sun Aug 20 18:30:26 2006 BazzerPen is at seat 1 with 1845.00 JadedJ is at seat 4 with 3815.00 gayego is at seat 5 with 1690.00 BazzerPen posts the large blind 100.00 gayego posts the small blind 50.00 gayego: --, -- BazzerPen: --, -- JadedJ: Kc, Kh Pre-flop:

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Re: KK Shorthanded u r on the button - so raise! 2BB enough to induce the call but not enough to chase people away with lesser hands - hey thats what you do on the button ;) and if you are lucky you might just get one of them to shove beliieving you are stealing :) and they fancy shoving with their shortish stack tricky this as both might be waiting for the other to make the mistake and go out first to get ITM - have you been wielding the big stack an raising regularly on the button? if so carry on - if not you might want to take the risk of limping ( i don't like this as they can do serious damage to ur stack - but its an option) my play 99.9% of the time is a 2xbb raise Damo

I think one of my main problems is failure to get the maximum value out of premium hands, especially shorthanded - how would you play this? Bazzer is reasonably loose, but by no means a maniac. Gayego seems fairly steady, nothing stands out for him. Hand #397874433 at table: 5 Player $5 NL Started: Sun Aug 20 18:30:26 2006 BazzerPen is at seat 1 with 1845.00 JadedJ is at seat 4 with 3815.00 gayego is at seat 5 with 1690.00 BazzerPen posts the large blind 100.00 gayego posts the small blind 50.00 gayego: --, -- BazzerPen: --, -- JadedJ: Kc, Kh Pre-flop:
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Guest gazza271

Re: KK Shorthanded

my play 99.9% of the time is a 2xbb raise Damo
Damo I enjoy reading your posts and find them very informative :ok quick question, why only 2 x BB raises ? Is that not inviting callers and risking a muppett hitting 2 pair etc on the flop ?
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Re: KK Shorthanded with KK three handed I want to encourage action rather than discourage action - premium hands don't come along very often so I want to extract at least another 200 chips out of someone. a 4BB raise is about 25-30% of their stacks - they are not calling with Q9 for this amount however, for 'only' 200 more they may do - and I am not worried about them hitting 2 pr - it happens, you can't let that bother you (and i wouldn't worry if an ace hit the flop either) remember they have to improve to beat you - you don't have to, and if they improve you might do to! plus they might see this as a button/big stack steal and believe that if they shove you will fold as its going to cost you another 1300 or so to call rather than about a 1000 for a 4BB raise (see the difference? - its only a little difference but looks more) at a full table I would raise 3-4 BB with KK as the chances are that there are better hands out there, but with only 2 others you are WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY ahead here and want action! the blinds are big and even with the big stack you need the chips as the blinds are going up quick (every 5 mins) and coming round quick, and you will find yourself on the BB with A4 facing a shove for 1000 chips from a shortie in about 10 hands time - so do you call and let him take a major chunk off your stack? best to bet now, get some chips in and hope that at least one of them calls you so you can cripple/bust them hope this helps Damo

Damo I enjoy reading your posts and find them very informative :ok quick question, why only 2 x BB raises ? Is that not inviting callers and risking a muppett hitting 2 pair etc on the flop ?
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Re: KK Shorthanded as I said - not a suprise - I think they were both waiting for the other to make the mistake - It happens alot in the 5 player games which is great if you have the big stack - just keep raising 2/3 BB on the button and sb and watch them fold - you just have to judge how desperate they are prepared to go before shoving back Damo

Think I messed up and should've taken Damo's advice - actually raised 3 x BB' date=' and drove them both off. :([/quote']
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