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What Are Mansion Playing At?

the croc

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anyone remember the city am freeroll on mansion about 2 months ago? as i recall about 7 of the final table were pl. anyway ended up heads up me and taxmonkey.only 1 prize(£3000 home entertainment centre)so we struck a deal to split it. chris went on to win the HU and contacted mansion to see if they would give a cash alternative.they said no because they had already got the prize.2 months down the line and still no prize. what should we do??????????(i cannot contact them as the prize is for tm)

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Re: What Are Mansion Playing At?

Has Chris been in contact with them in the meantime? What is their excuse for not sending the prize? I'd be thinking of one final email in which I say the next email get's copied to all the major newspapers and trading standards.
that would be my action too but my hands are tied on this
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Re: What Are Mansion Playing At?

Tax_Monkey Shrewdie Punter ball.gifball.gifball.gifball.gifavatar9328_4.gif Join Date: 18 Mar 2006 Location: Sunderland Posts: 677 im_msn.gif im_skype.gif icon1.gif Mansion City AM
Good News mate:cow Mansion have paid up, your share will be £1500 @ $1.8985 = $2847.75.
well they came through in the end,actually beats my personal best. can i use this one gaf? cant remember exact numbers that played but position was 2nd(city am freeroll)
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Re: What Are Mansion Playing At? Can't believe I hadn't seen this thread earlier:$ Having now got the story from Mansion, it appears they were being messed about by their suppliers. Apparently they made a bulk order for the entertainment system they offered as a prize (advertised value of £3,000). Presumably they bulk ordered so that the actual cost to them would be less than £3,000 and could offer the other systems as prizes so if you look at it from that point of view it's Mansion who have ended up out of pocket. Would have been nicer if could have been sorted sooner but even so I'm happy it's finally been sorted.:nana

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