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AK part 1


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Usual 5-seater, $5 Boss STT. I've been hopeless all tourney, playing too tight (and that's the first time I've ever had THAT problem!!) Shortstacked and need to make this one count. Hand #397645354 at table: 5 Player $5 NL Started: Sun Aug 20 11:47:48 2006 D_Ray is at seat 1 with 1440.00 kato74 is at seat 2 with 2620.00 MrMillion is at seat 4 with 2135.00 JadedJ is at seat 5 with 855.00 JadedJ posts the large blind 300.00 MrMillion posts the small blind 150.00 MrMillion: --, -- JadedJ: Kc, Ac D_Ray: --, -- kato74: --, -- Pre-flop: D_Ray: Fold kato74: Fold MrMillion: Call 300.00 I have 855 chips AFTER posting BB, for those of you not familiar with Boss hand histories. Raise or check?

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Re: AK part 1 if you're going to have a race with him to the finish , keep calling him , just check . either way , it is the same scenario if you raise all in . But you would want to get as much chips from him as much as possible . IMO , thats what i do . Keep betting on the turn , flop , river .

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Re: AK part 1 this is an interesting one question and one I can't figure out the best play you shove PF and he folds +600 chips you shove and he calls - you are essentially racing - if you win +2310 you lose you are out you check and shove the flop - if he misses the flop you win 600, if he hits you are likely to lose I am wondering whether shoving PF and have him call with Q4s and hit the 4 on the river is profitable? compared to check and shoving the flop, when he folds his Q4 as he missed? the tricky thing about checking is that you are last to act - so the flop misses you and he shoves - then what? I think the best thing is to use the KISS principle, and shove PF, AK is at its stongest when it sees all 5 board cards, not just the flop Damo ps I am prepared to be corrected here and have my mind changed as to whether playing a stop and go on the flop is a better option?

Usual 5-seater, $5 Boss STT. I've been hopeless all tourney, playing too tight (and that's the first time I've ever had THAT problem!!) Shortstacked and need to make this one count. Hand #397645354 at table: 5 Player $5 NL Started: Sun Aug 20 11:47:48 2006 D_Ray is at seat 1 with 1440.00 kato74 is at seat 2 with 2620.00 MrMillion is at seat 4 with 2135.00 JadedJ is at seat 5 with 855.00 JadedJ posts the large blind 300.00 MrMillion posts the small blind 150.00 MrMillion: --, -- JadedJ: Kc, Ac D_Ray: --, -- kato74: --, -- Pre-flop: D_Ray: Fold kato74: Fold MrMillion: Call 300.00 I have 855 chips AFTER posting BB, for those of you not familiar with Boss hand histories. Raise or check?
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Re: AK part 1 I am amazed at some of these posts - especially from Jaded If you had 8 3 you would go all in! So why ask this question???????? You and I both know you would go all in 600 chips is almost what you have so in theory you would double up without a call if they call you, you are sitting with a monster AK and would probably win 3 times your chips

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Re: AK part 1 because there might be a better way to play the hand than just shoving and because for new players is might help them (just check the 99 post for instance) and because he has a bigger stack then the other guy and maybe can afford to fold and let him play for a change? and this is what the forum is about, to encourage discussion and help us understand poker better Ta:ok Damo

! why ask this question????????
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Re: AK part 1 Agree with Damo - if I had 83, I'd probably consider the all-in. With AKs, I wanted to see if there was a better way to get some more chips, given my stack compared to the leader's. I did shove in the end, and it was folded. Go to AK part 2 for what happened next...

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Re: AK part 1 i think you should push all in but more likely i'd raise to 900,better to pick up a 600 pot than him hit with rags on the flop:eek ,if he calls your bound to be in good position because at least hes got something ok ,so theres a good chance he may have a a or k . i only find it worth eeking out money when the blinds are lower and the pots smaller, once its up this high i will only slo play a little with aces or ks. as you said you were playing tight for you :loon this may have made the other guy think he will call with any 2 cards (which is just what you dont want to be facing). if you raise to 900 he will throw any junk hands and i tend to get more callers with moderate hands (ax kx etc)by not going all in pre flop ,they sometimes seem to think ive got a weaker hand than i have which always helps:) . then its all in on the flop whatever comes out ,and if im not ahead hopefully i should have at least 6 outs on the turn and river if they do have a small pp etc

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Re: AK part 1 why raise another 600 out of 855 left? if he calls this he is calling on the flop regardless for another 255 (pot 2055, 255 to call - thats easy even if you have missed) the only reason I can think of to raise 600 rather than a shove is to 'convince' him you have AA-QQ and want the call (when in fact you are actually bluffing and want the fold) I can't see how this strategy with AK in this situation works? (am willing to be convinced tho :) ) Damo

i think you should push all in but more likely i'd raise to 900,better to pick up a 600 pot than him hit with rags on the flop:eek ,if he calls your bound to be in good position because at least hes got something ok ,so theres a good chance he may have a a or k . i only find it worth eeking out money when the blinds are lower and the pots smaller, once its up this high i will only slo play a little with aces or ks. as you said you were playing tight for you :loon this may have made the other guy think he will call with any 2 cards (which is just what you dont want to be facing). if you raise to 900 he will throw any junk hands and i tend to get more callers with moderate hands (ax kx etc)by not going all in pre flop ,they sometimes seem to think ive got a weaker hand than i have which always helps:) . then its all in on the flop whatever comes out ,and if im not ahead hopefully i should have at least 6 outs on the turn and river if they do have a small pp etc
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