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Keeping records - These any good ?


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As I started playing poker on August 1st 2005, I guess its long overdue that I start keeping records of my performance in tournaments, etc...:( Does anyone use "Poker Analyst" from the "Card Player" website or "My Diary" from the Hendon Mob website, both of which are free of charge and allow you to export your records to MS Excel... Related websites : Card Player : http://www.cardplayer.com The Hendon Mob : http://www.thehendonmob.com Does anyone recommend another source for record taking, other spreadsheets, etc ?

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Re: Keeping records - These any good ?

As I started playing poker on August 1st 2005, I guess its long overdue that I start keeping records of my performance in tournaments, etc...:( Does anyone use "Poker Analyst" from the "Card Player" website or "My Diary" from the Hendon Mob website, both of which are free of charge and allow you to export your records to MS Excel... Related websites : Card Player : http://www.cardplayer.com The Hendon Mob : http://www.thehendonmob.com Does anyone recommend another source for record taking, other spreadsheets, etc ?
I use this - http://www.pokerdominator.com which I find really useful, i've not tried any of the other 2 you mention. ..... problem is the 'bloody' graphs are heading in the wrong direction at the minute !! :wall There's also on PL somewhere a thread for a simple excel sheet ... i'm sure one of the Mods will have thread link, a lot of folks use that - i've screendumps from peoples in quite a few posts.
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Re: Keeping records - These any good ? Thanks Guys, I will give the Dominator software a go, and look at the spreadsheet highlighted by Valiant.... i will probably use 2 or 3 of the facilities, so that if one goes "belly up", I will still have a record somewhere...

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