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QJ in Small Blind


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Early in a $5 5-player, no reads. What do you do here pre-flop? ryder6s is at seat 1 with 990.00 Esche81 is at seat 2 with 1365.00 FireAway is at seat 3 with 905.00 cuba3 is at seat 4 with 2460.00 JadedJ is at seat 5 with 1705.00 JadedJ posts the large blind 50.00 cuba3 posts the small blind 25.00 cuba3: --, -- JadedJ: Jc, Qd ryder6s: --, -- Esche81: --, -- FireAway: --, -- Pre-flop: ryder6s: Raise 150.00 Esche81: Fold FireAway: Call 150.00 cuba3: Fold On me, will cost 100 to call.

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Re: QJ in Small Blind this is an excellent question:clap okay there is 375 in the pot and its only 100 to call (positive) you are OOP (negative) they are both short stacked now and the pot is half their stacks so one of them (maybe both) is/are shoving the flop regardless (negative) I would call and need to see a REALLY favourable flop to play anymore (top pair etc, i would not be interested in a draw flop to an all in/pot bet etc - if you have a pair and there is an A or K its going in the bin to a shove) Damo

Early in a $5 5-player, no reads. What do you do here pre-flop? ryder6s is at seat 1 with 990.00 Esche81 is at seat 2 with 1365.00 FireAway is at seat 3 with 905.00 cuba3 is at seat 4 with 2460.00 JadedJ is at seat 5 with 1705.00 JadedJ posts the large blind 50.00 cuba3 posts the small blind 25.00 cuba3: --, -- JadedJ: Jc, Qd ryder6s: --, -- Esche81: --, -- FireAway: --, -- Pre-flop: ryder6s: Raise 150.00 Esche81: Fold FireAway: Call 150.00 cuba3: Fold On me, will cost 100 to call.
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