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Jaded's 7 Card Stud tips


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I make no pretence to be any good at this, but I do play it occassionally, which I'm guessing puts me up on some people. (hi GaF!!) Very basic thoughts, heavily influenced by www.pokersyte.com 1. Biggest mistake I see is people drawing, especially when some cards needed are dead. Concentrate on trips, two pairs, high pairs, rather than hoping you'll hit something on sixth or seventh street. (Fourth street is 4th card dealt to each player, 5th street is 5th card dealth to each player, etc...) 2. One of my friends won't play stud because he says it's a game of memory, not cards - I don't agree, but I can see where he's coming from. You HAVE to be aware of what's out there, and more importantly what's been folded (as everyone can see what's out there, but most people don't remember what's been discarded.) This is NOT a game to play if you're multitabling!! 3. If you're in on 5th street, you're struggling to get out (this is where the betting doubles.) If you don't have a made hand by 5th street, get out unless it's a REALLY strong draw - the only one that would have me sticking around is drawing to a high straight AND a flush. 3. Starting hands... a) Trips - Monster hand, can be slowplayed, probably SHOULD be slowplayed unless there's scary cards out there (i.e exposed pair higher than your trips when you get to 4th or 5th street, and neither of the other cards of that pair's rank 'dead' - in someone's hand or already discarded.) Exception's are perhaps AAA, KKK, QQQ which you might get callers from, as most people will put you on a pair rather than trips. b) High pair - Get your money in fast if there's no higher card showing. If there is (i.e. KK8 in your hand, someone else has A showing), you still want to stay in but need to be slightly more cautious. Make sure you're keeping track of other cards - if all 4 A's are out there, you're laughing!! c) Low pair/High kicker - The kicker ideally needs to be higher than anything on the board, you're aiming for 2 pair here. Check whether your cards are still available - with 2 or more dead, you need to check/fold. d) High overcards - As in better than anything on board. Stick around if it's cheap, but get out of there unless you catch the high pair. e) High drawing cards - 3 to a flush or straight. Personally feel these are overrated, I'd need at least an A or K in there to stick around, and for a flush draw I'd be looking at 2 picture cards. Most of the time you won't hit, which isn't too bad if you make a high pair as a consolation, but can get expensive if you end up with nothing or a low pair. 4. If you're beaten on the board, get out. Example - you have KK88, an opponent has 333 showing - yes, you could improve to a full house. Problem is, he could have the fourth 3 or a high pair hidden, he could get something else - the chances of you improving are slim, and the chances of you improving and him NOT improving are that tiny bit slimmer. As I said, MADE hands win this game!! Hope they help tonight :ok

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Re: Jaded's 7 Card Stud tips yeah , im a big 7 card player. both cash and tourneys. easier to make money on because of the mistakes that u mention above. people will comtinually chase with 2 suited at start or 2 to a str8 ...you will easily spot them and take all their money. only hands i play at the start are 3 to a str8 i.e. 9/10/j or 3 to a flush trips are a monster and if new to a table and low stakes i hammer the feck out of them...people will chase anyway. pairs can be played with caution. again position is key for what hands you can play that are not above. simple thing is if u hold 8/10/j ...look out for any 9's out there ...ur wasting ur time if 2 are out..same with ur flush draw and pairs you hold. try the tourneys on crypto or the cash on boss. gl

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Re: Jaded's 7 Card Stud tips oh ..position is different than hold em. worst hand opens the betting... so try not to fall into the trap of calling just after with a mediocre hand and ending up having to call a raise / raises after. after the opening round the best hand starts the betting. bluffing is very possible but not till the later streets

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Re: Jaded's 7 Card Stud tips well, I think, to win well and consistently - you could look at it as a game of memory - not only is important to remember what you should not be drawing to - but to help you deduce what your collegue may have/may be drawing to. I also think its ok to draw sometimes. I rarely draw to straights (I'd need lots of other outs as well) - but I will draw to flushes given correct pot odds and I see NO MORE than 2 of my suit on the board /discarded by 5th street. This doesn't happen very often, but should it, I might even raise the pot if I have 4 to the flush at that point. If its your first time of playing this. I would stick to the first three types of hand that jaded has suggested, and bet the hell out of them:ok and I have no interest in this tourney - so I can say what I like :loon

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Re: Jaded's 7 Card Stud tips

When ive played seven stud in the past ive made gratious use of the "Print Screen" key to get a grab of whats out there before people fold. Very powerful edge in my opinion...
That's a great idea - I was just plotting how to do it with pen and paper :lol :lol Surely there's a huge advantage here if you have tools of the like of Calculatem/PokerOffice/Poker-Spy but for Stud? Far more so than with holdem?
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Re: Jaded's 7 Card Stud tips

Surely there's a huge advantage here if you have tools of the like of Calculatem/PokerOffice/Poker-Spy but for Stud? Far more so than with holdem?
Was going to suggest this. Not aware what's available out there, but the right program could give you a massive advantage.
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Re: Jaded's 7 Card Stud tips well, If you play a lot - theres a version of poker tracker for stud..I've used its free trial and its ok..for me it doesn't have all the advantage of the one for hold em but thats possibly because i never played with it enough. I also tried a free thingy for a program called Stud inspector. It does automatically note for you all the discards and if you set it to can suggest plays you might make (I'm thinking there might be a similar program called hold em inspector and if you know how that works I'm sure is along similar lines.) It only works in certain online cardrooms - although I think it has party and pacific mentioned. I never bought the full thing.

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