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Slowplay Trips?


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Hmmm... interesting one here, IMO. $5 5-player STT, first few hands I lost most of my stack making a stupid move - bluffing, a guy went all-in, and I had to back down having used about 800 chips of 1500 :wall Very next hand, I tilted, shoved with K2o, got a caller with AJ, and saw an A234K board give me 2 pair :loon Since then, have been playing a lot tighter! Won 2, shown down one, which was top pair decent kicker. JamesWest is probably best player on table, TAG. Hand #396282648 at table: 5 Player $5 NL Started: Fri Aug 18 12:01:01 2006 karol_ski is at seat 1 with 1530.00 theis hald is at seat 3 with 1220.00 JadedJ is at seat 4 with 1185.00 JamesWest is at seat 5 with 3415.00 JamesWest posts the large blind 100.00 JadedJ posts the small blind 50.00 JadedJ: Ad, 9c JamesWest: --, -- karol_ski: --, -- theis hald: --, -- Pre-flop: karol_ski: Call 100.00 theis hald: Fold JadedJ: Raise 300.00 JamesWest: Call 300.00 karol_ski: Fold Flop (Board: Ac, Ah, 6s): Do I slowplay here? Or worry about him having A and outkicking me?

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Re: Slowplay Trips? do you cross the road, or do you worry about getting run over? I would check raise probably, and if he raised it when I checked I would probably commit the lot. remember there's lots of cards left in the deck, and u have 3 aces in view - that's a good enough statistic for me... Why you play 5$ short handed Stt's I don't know.. Usually full of fish who call with anything alex p.s. I had to tell SOMEONE ! :.... profit since yesterday $1180 !!!!!!

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Re: Slowplay Trips? shove - there is 700 in the pot - you have 800 or so left - he called you because its sb vs bb - he has nothing and will check - he is not bluffing that flop if you check however he might think you are bluffing an decide his KQ, 33 etc worth a call - just pray he has a pp or a 6 and calls Damo

karol_ski: Call 100.00 theis hald: Fold JadedJ: Raise 300.00 JamesWest: Call 300.00 karol_ski: Fold Flop (Board: Ac, Ah, 6s): Do I slowplay here? Or worry about him having A and outkicking me?
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Re: Slowplay Trips? No idea George - I shoved and he folded. I then bust out by being stupid a few hands later (blocked details to save on embarrasment, but it was one of those when I ended up all-in with 2 or 3 outs and missed them!)

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