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SJ Bounty game again, have loosened up and playing aggressively, winning a fair few pots without showing down. They're looking reasonably easy to push around, so far. How should I play this? ** Game ID 900426043 starting - 2006-08-17 21:38:05 ** $3 Bounty Shorthand[564618]:Table 6 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (300.00|600.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - JadedJ sitting in seat 1 with $9360.00 - Bremboys sitting in seat 2 with $4990.00 - Nuline sitting in seat 3 with $17155.00 [Dealer] - ctabsy1 sitting in seat 5 with $3005.00 - carter1984 sitting in seat 6 with $4285.00 ctabsy1 posted the small blind - $150.00 carter1984 posted the big blind - $300.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: Queen of Spades, Queen of Diamonds JadedJ raised - $900.00 Bremboys called - $900.00 Nuline folded ctabsy1 folded carter1984 folded ** Dealing the flop: 7 of Clubs, 4 of Spades, 2 of Hearts JadedJ bet - $1500.00 Bremboys raised - $3000.00 What next?

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Re: Overpair All we can be (nearly) sure of here is he has an overpair as well, somethign greater than a 7. He's seen the flop and thinks he's ahead. 8,9,10, J you are fav. QQ is a push, A, K he's fav. Of course he could have made a set, bu tI think the odds are with you, raise your bet to 5,000 and push him all in. Even if you lose, you're still right in the game

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