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Flopped Top Set


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What should I do here? It's the SJ Shorthanded Bounty game, fairly tight for a shorthanded tourney because most people seem to trying to stay in until they get onto a table with a bounty on. ** Game ID 900379238 starting - 2006-08-17 21:04:38 ** $3 Bounty Shorthand[564618]:Table 7 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (100.00|200.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - c4rdace1 sitting in seat 1 with $2575.00 [Dealer] - JadedJ sitting in seat 2 with $2825.00 - tanjoe sitting in seat 4 with $840.00 - tjorven70 sitting in seat 5 with $3712.50 - cartoonhead sitting in seat 6 with $1470.00 JadedJ posted the small blind - $50.00 tanjoe posted the big blind - $100.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: King of Diamonds, King of Clubs tjorven70 folded cartoonhead folded c4rdace1 raised - $200.00 JadedJ called - $200.00 tanjoe called - $200.00 ** Dealing the flop: 2 of Hearts, King of Spades, 4 of Spades Me to act...

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Re: Flopped Top Set reraise PF.......:eyes as you didn't I would bet 150 - checking is wank against 2 players - they are prolly not holding anything but will call believing you stealing - or call with any 2 or a PP checking hoping they improve isn't going to get you much - just bet out and see what happens - u need to build a pot worth winning Damo

What should I do here? It's the SJ Shorthanded Bounty game, fairly tight for a shorthanded tourney because most people seem to trying to stay in until they get onto a table with a bounty on. ** Game ID 900379238 starting - 2006-08-17 21:04:38 ** $3 Bounty Shorthand[564618]:Table 7 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (100.00|200.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - c4rdace1 sitting in seat 1 with $2575.00 [Dealer] - JadedJ sitting in seat 2 with $2825.00 - tanjoe sitting in seat 4 with $840.00 - tjorven70 sitting in seat 5 with $3712.50 - cartoonhead sitting in seat 6 with $1470.00 JadedJ posted the small blind - $50.00 tanjoe posted the big blind - $100.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: King of Diamonds, King of Clubs tjorven70 folded cartoonhead folded c4rdace1 raised - $200.00 JadedJ called - $200.00 tanjoe called - $200.00 ** Dealing the flop: 2 of Hearts, King of Spades, 4 of Spades Me to act...
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Re: Flopped Top Set Wouldn't your chances of winning be lower if he's really on a flush draw ? I mean you're miles ahead Pre-flop . After the flop , your chances just dropped down . Is it worth shoving it in ?

Push and take my chances of getting called by someone on a flush draw
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Re: Flopped Top Set sure it's worth shoving, there are 13 spades, assume he's holding 2, another 2 on the board. 9 left unaccounted for. 38 cards left in the deck, only 9 outs, and that's not counting any spades that other people might have folded. At a minimum you're a 60 / 40 fav, probably more, you're getting better than even money. I'd push in a heartbeat. ( i know the maths here isn't exact, because it doesn't take into account the chances of him hitting 2 pair of a set, or of you hitting a third king, but I figure these things pretty much balance out, and can be ignored). You're still clear fav, get the money in

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Re: Flopped Top Set he is about 2:1 to hit his flush with two cards to come of course some of those make JJ a Full house I prefer to value bet here - on a full 10 seat table then a larger bet is better as people are more likely to have 2 spades - as this is a short table bet for value and hope to get a call Damo

Wouldn't your chances of winning be lower if he's really on a flush draw ? I mean you're miles ahead Pre-flop . After the flop , your chances just dropped down . Is it worth shoving it in ?
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Re: Flopped Top Set looking at the chip etc, Id have bet 400. If you are called then wait and see. It would only cost you another 440 to try to fill house if tanjoe calls and turn reveals a Spade, so worth it IMO. If c4rdace1 calls and a Spade is there, then Id bet a minimum of 300 to see its strength. A straight call by him would probably mean you are in charge while a re-raise means that Id ditch the hand. HOWEVER - this is ONLY if a SPADE presents itself on turn or river

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Re: Flopped Top Set Think I should probably have bet... I checked. ** Game ID 900379238 starting - 2006-08-17 21:04:38 ** $3 Bounty Shorthand[564618]:Table 7 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (100.00|200.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - c4rdace1 sitting in seat 1 with $2575.00 [Dealer] - JadedJ sitting in seat 2 with $2825.00 - tanjoe sitting in seat 4 with $840.00 - tjorven70 sitting in seat 5 with $3712.50 - cartoonhead sitting in seat 6 with $1470.00 JadedJ posted the small blind - $50.00 tanjoe posted the big blind - $100.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: King of Diamonds, King of Clubs tjorven70 folded cartoonhead folded c4rdace1 raised - $200.00 JadedJ called - $200.00 tanjoe called - $200.00 ** Dealing the flop: 2 of Hearts, King of Spades, 4 of Spades JadedJ checked tanjoe checked c4rdace1 bet - $200.00 What now?

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Re: Flopped Top Set re-raise to 800 for me. If he puts you all in then call.(you are still favourite to win this and can be considered unlucky if he hits his flush) If he calls and there is a spade then bet a minimum and see... You'll have chips left to play should he go all in and you will then be forced to fold after being caught by a chaser....:\

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Re: Flopped Top Set I'd check :tongue2 Tanjoe is shortstacked and probably a bit desperate. He's in this hand with something he thinks will hold up. If c4 raises, call and hope tj goes allin. If c4 calls this - go allin. He may think tj is trying to buy it or bluff, but with the money committed he will need to lay down. If tj does not go allin, allin after next card.

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