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Call? Question 4


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Another $5, 5 player. No one standing out, everyone looks like a reasonably good, fairly tight player. Hand #395850888 at table: $5 NL TV Table Started: Thu Aug 17 19:24:18 2006 rover220 is at seat 1 with 1670.00 jannie_b_ is at seat 2 with 2405.00 HAMMEREN1 is at seat 3 with 1960.00 JadedJ is at seat 4 with 1905.00 caffo is at seat 5 with 1985.00 JadedJ posts the large blind 50.00 HAMMEREN1 posts the small blind 25.00 HAMMEREN1: --, -- JadedJ: 6d, 10d caffo: --, -- rover220: --, -- jannie_b_: --, -- Pre-flop: caffo: Call 50.00 rover220: Call 50.00 jannie_b_: Call 50.00 HAMMEREN1: Call 50.00 JadedJ: Check Flop (Board: Jc, 6s, 10s): HAMMEREN1: Bet 100.00 JadedJ: Raise 200.00 caffo: Fold rover220: Fold jannie_b_: Call 200.00 HAMMEREN1: Call 200.00 Turn (Board: Jc, 6s, 10s, Ks): HAMMEREN1: Check JadedJ: Check jannie_b_: Bet 200.00 HAMMEREN1: Call 200.00 JadedJ: Call 200.00 River (Board: Jc, 6s, 10s, Ks, 7d): HAMMEREN1: Bet 200.00 How have I played it so far? What should I do now?

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Re: Call? Question 4 poor reraise on the flop IMO - 100 more into a pot of 400 with 3 more to act?? - again villian is calling with any draw/pair etc - u are giving great odds to call for him and when the others call it becomes even easier! make it a pot raise with everyone in the pot - someone has a J or 10 or straight or flush draw - you will get called if you make it 500 more to play against 4 others and probably will get HU which is what you want at this point turn - check and call or check and fold? dunno dead tricky now - we have made str's/flushes and top 2 pair to consider - I think you best way of winning now is probably a shove - you will face another decent bet on the river and still have no idea where you are - folding would not be a mistake here, neither is calling and folding if the river is a scare card to make the str/flush and someone bets - so call if you are prepared to fold on the river to a scare card and/or decent bet river - too much in the middle now to fold - just call and hope there is no raise behind you - 200 is a stupid bet with so much already in the pot - smacks to me of top pair, or 2 pair or trips and is scared of the str/flush of course he prolly has the nut straight and is luring either of you in Damo

Another $5, 5 player. No one standing out, everyone looks like a reasonably good, fairly tight player. Hand #395850888 at table: $5 NL TV Table Started: Thu Aug 17 19:24:18 2006 rover220 is at seat 1 with 1670.00 jannie_b_ is at seat 2 with 2405.00 HAMMEREN1 is at seat 3 with 1960.00 JadedJ is at seat 4 with 1905.00 caffo is at seat 5 with 1985.00 JadedJ posts the large blind 50.00 HAMMEREN1 posts the small blind 25.00 HAMMEREN1: --, -- JadedJ: 6d, 10d caffo: --, -- rover220: --, -- jannie_b_: --, -- Pre-flop: caffo: Call 50.00 rover220: Call 50.00 jannie_b_: Call 50.00 HAMMEREN1: Call 50.00 JadedJ: Check Flop (Board: Jc, 6s, 10s): HAMMEREN1: Bet 100.00 JadedJ: Raise 200.00 caffo: Fold rover220: Fold jannie_b_: Call 200.00 HAMMEREN1: Call 200.00 Turn (Board: Jc, 6s, 10s, Ks): HAMMEREN1: Check JadedJ: Check jannie_b_: Bet 200.00 HAMMEREN1: Call 200.00 JadedJ: Call 200.00 River (Board: Jc, 6s, 10s, Ks, 7d): HAMMEREN1: Bet 200.00 How have I played it so far? What should I do now?
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