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Call? Question 2


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Early on in a $5 5-player STT on Boss, no real reads yet. How's my play so far, and should I call? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #395700412 at table: 5 Player $5 NL Started: Thu Aug 17 15:59:57 2006 tomato 1 is at seat 1 with 1875.00 JadedJ is at seat 2 with 1440.00 PanParowka is at seat 3 with 1350.00 dazza12 is at seat 4 with 1140.00 666Vysko is at seat 5 with 1650.00 PanParowka posts the large blind 30.00 JadedJ posts the small blind 15.00 JadedJ: Ac, Kc PanParowka: --, -- dazza12: --, -- 666Vysko: --, -- tomato 1: --, -- Pre-flop: dazza12: Raise 90.00 666Vysko: Call 90.00 tomato 1: Fold JadedJ: Raise 300.00 PanParowka: Fold dazza12: All in

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Re: Call? Question 2 I'd say fold. Given that he's raised then gone all-in against your re-raise with no other read you got to put him on a pretty decent hand so why trust your whole tournament to what is likely to be a race at best? Having said all that in the "heat of moment" I'd have probably called:lol

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Re: Call? Question 2

I would call. AK suited is a very strong hand. If he has the cowboys or the rockets then that is just unlucky but other than that you probably will have the best starting hand.
AK (even suited) is behind any pair above 9s so would running into 1010,JJ or QQ be "just unlucky" or would that make it a bad call?
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Re: Call? Question 2 It depends what 666Vysko did in front of you. If he called I'd be folding and put the 300 lost chips down to information gathering (seeing what the 2 of them go/call all in with). If he folded (as i presume in this situation), I'd call it. AKs has a lot of outs against almost any hand. This guy is the short stack at the table and you would still have 300 chips (not a lot but enough to buy you a bit of time to double up) if you lost.

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Re: Call? Question 2 **** Assuming the other villian has folded and its HU see below - if the other villian calls muck 'em**** I am calling simply because you are likely to be racing (only AA really fecks you), and you need chips in a 5 seater, because WINNING is the most important thing, 2nd is no good, its rubbish and crap and not worth bothering about AT ALL and he could be shoving all kind of crap here because it looks pretty - if he calls you he has about 800 chips left - its 25% of his stack to call so he might as well shove - especially if he misses the flop (ie. he has 66 and the flop is Q 10 2 - how does he know if he is ahead?) If you are asking how I would play it - I think I would do the same as you, but with an additional caller I would raise to 500/600 or so, it then makes the maths easier and becomes an instant call to his shove Just my thoughts Damo

Early on in a $5 5-player STT on Boss, no real reads yet. How's my play so far, and should I call? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #395700412 at table: 5 Player $5 NL Started: Thu Aug 17 15:59:57 2006 tomato 1 is at seat 1 with 1875.00 JadedJ is at seat 2 with 1440.00 PanParowka is at seat 3 with 1350.00 dazza12 is at seat 4 with 1140.00 666Vysko is at seat 5 with 1650.00 PanParowka posts the large blind 30.00 JadedJ posts the small blind 15.00 JadedJ: Ac, Kc PanParowka: --, -- dazza12: --, -- 666Vysko: --, -- tomato 1: --, -- Pre-flop: dazza12: Raise 90.00 666Vysko: Call 90.00 tomato 1: Fold JadedJ: Raise 300.00 PanParowka: Fold dazza12: All in
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Re: Call? Question 2 not a suprise really - what is a suprise is that he actually has a decent kicker - would have expected to see a 4 or something similar:eyes Damo

Interesting thoughts, everyone - thanks! I called it in the end, and he turned over AQo :) Even more incredibly, it held up!!
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