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Regular Freerolls


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My bankroll has taken a hammering the last couple of months (ever since i bought Harrington on Holdem !!) :\ Anyway, i'm sure Dan's right and i'm wrong ;) - but i'm looking to build a bit of confidence and cash back up by taking advantage of the value Freerolls that are available. I know there are some great one off's,(highlighted in this forum:ok ) but i'm looking to buiild a list of the REGULAR ones (either Regular Daily,Weekly or Monthly). I work shifts so what i can play one week, i maybe can't play another week etc. So would welcome any and all suggestions with site,time,max entrants,avg entrants and value if you can - the 2 i'm currently looking to exploit are MANSION - 2100 BST - 2000 - 400 - $500 + BLUE SQUARE - 1945 BST - 999 - ? - $200 +

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Re: Regular Freerolls V of J Blue Square gets around 450 - 500 entrants. Mansion $500 isn't a freeroll - it costs $0.01 so you have to deposit or have some freeroll money there. It does keep the numbers down though - although it was around 60/70 in the early days! :loon $50 freeroll each night on Virgin at 8.30pm - not sure about number of entrants. :unsure Best of luck :ok TQM

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Re: Regular Freerolls Virgin daily FR normally has about 200 in it. Poker4ever has a daily $400 freeroll but gets 1400 players... normally 2/3 gone by 1 hr mark though. Worth a try... Betfred, Poker770, Poker.co.uk & CDPoker all have $100 freerolls everyday with 1000 players in but you need to log in within 1 minute of registration opening... have given up on these for that reason. Good luck with the BR! :ok

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