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Good call/Bad call?


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Re: Good call/Bad call? I agree - I am talking about STT's when you have maybe 12-20 BB each when you reach HU I am NOT advocating raising every hand regardless when the blinds are 15/30 - but I do when they MEAN something amd I have the villian as tight - you still need to win them to keep in the game - so 2/3 2/4 is enough I would limp AA if the blinds were at this stage 10-15 BB etc if I had seen my opponent shove to my SB limp before - at an early stage HU game I would do the standard 2-3XBB raise I rarely play HU specific games - there is no value in it for me, I am talking about HU play from tourneys Damo

Sorry mate - disagree - if it is low M' date=' no argument, but in a HU tournament where you start with high M, then being overaggressive (especially against a patient opponent) will see you undone.....[/quote']
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Re: Good call/Bad call? because of what he said - I wasn't there I don't know for certain - I can only comment on what the original poster said :) bluff - crikey do people bluff:tongue2 Damo

But how certain can you be that he is bluffing? When this is the first hand you have seen him play? If it is a bluff, then it is a diabolical play (and in the Semi Final, I would have to give him more respect than that) and you probably will go on to beat him - if it isn't a bluff, then you are out of the tourney.......
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Re: Good call/Bad call? yes I would raise every time with an Ax in a high M game on the SB(though I might limp my BB with A4 etc if he calls and if i had raised previously and he had consistently called my raise to keep me 'honest') but then again I am also raising with KQ, J9 66 83 etc - so how can someone tell its always an Ace? only if they call and it goes to showdown which I win and have to show - they don't know, unless i show when they fold PF (which i do for AJ+ just so they know I only raise with GOOD aces.....) poker is about winning, you are ahead with your Ace so let him make the mistake of calling Damo

My disagreement was that in a High M game you do need to mix it up with Ax from time to time - if you ALWAYS raise with an A, you are being too consistent and too predicatable when there is too much time left in the tourney. Damo is saying raise with Ax EVERY time, in a high M game..... I'm saying I will occasionally flat call with Ax in a high M game
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