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At what point do you go on tilt?


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Played in my local casino last night, Nl holdem with £3 buy in for 2 hours. Man i've never seen anything like it talk about bingo for men. Anyway I managed to build up to a decent stack of about 11k with an original starting stack of 1k and was quite happy to sit out the last half hour with that untill no more buy in's were called. Then a guy on my table starts going all in blind every hand trying to double through to a decent stack. Natrually I try to avoid this but when he goes all in blind under the gun and im on BB with KK I have no option. He shows 6,7 diamonds and promptley hits the 3 d's on the flop. Very next hand now with 2 k he puts all his chips on top of his cards again without looking and pronounce's himself all again. This time im big slick suited and someone else has called with 6,6 the fish turns over 7,8 . The flop gives me an ace but he catches runner runner to make 2 pair.:@ Now im tilting and drop down to his level and very next hand go all in against him with a J 5 luckily it was better than his J 3 and and I got all my chips back and managed to stay away from the action the until the rebuys had ended.

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Re: At what point do you go on tilt?

a better idea woulda been to leave the table .. otherwise i woulda put all my chips in my sock' date=' swung it round my head, then when he said all in. announce call as you pummel it into his face[/quote'] :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
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Re: At what point do you go on tilt? I don't think I do anymore - sure I shout and curse at the muppets when they outdraw me online or call my reriase shove with A2 to my AQ..... but as to whether I then shove chips for no reason - that doesn't happen anymore been there done that, manage to keep my dummy in my mouth now.... ;) Damo

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Re: At what point do you go on tilt? Thing to remember is that you WANT idiotic calls ........ Yeah, sometimes they will outdraw you, but without knowing the result, you have great +ev and in the long run are CERTAIN to benefit.......

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Guest gazza271

Re: At what point do you go on tilt? I dont go on tilt, i just chill,take a breath,have another beer Then throw the fcuking bottle at the fcuking laptop,wheres the dog,he's gonna get a fcuking kicking as well ;)

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Re: At what point do you go on tilt? I generally get wound up over a week and then have to take a couple of days off because I end up doing the same stupid things that are starting to tilt me. I don't think I ever get abusive to anyone online though- not unless they're being particularly obnoxious- to be honest, if someone has a go at me I quite enjoy it (I didn't mean you Milou)

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Re: At what point do you go on tilt?

Thing to remember is that you WANT idiotic calls ........ Yeah' date=' sometimes they will outdraw you, but without knowing the result, you have great +ev and in the long run are CERTAIN to benefit.......[/quote'] That is true mate I suppose however its still frustrating when they beat you. :lol
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Re: At what point do you go on tilt?

Thing to remember is that you WANT idiotic calls ........ Yeah' date=' sometimes they will outdraw you, but without knowing the result, you have great +ev and in the long run are CERTAIN to benefit.......[/quote'] i agree gaf,poker is a game of chance but if your getting your money in when your favorite and you've made a correct call, over time the bad beats are outweighed by the winnings. i always try to do the best with what i get ,and pretty much never tilt .there is no point, no matter how few chips you have you always have a chance of doing something ,so why give up because things arent going great. as the saying goes "a chip and a chair" but going on tilt usually means "no chips and no chair". so i always take each hand as it comes and dont think about past hands or bad beats ,it's gone you cant do anything about it just carry on playing by the numbers and it will pay off eventually:dude
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Re: At what point do you go on tilt? The only time I really tilt is in later stages of tourney, if the bad beat/suckout/ill timed bluff leaves me badly short of chips. I wish I could temper it a bit, because the times when I DONT tilt I can quite often get myself back in contention. Strangely I never react as badly in ring games, anyone else find this?

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Re: At what point do you go on tilt? just went 6 5 player STT's on BM without hitting the money once tonight. Won 2 from 4 this morning, and 2nd the other two times, thought I could do no wrong. Update Just played one more since last post and won it, so going to bed happy, and just about even for the day. Another chunk towards clearing bonus I suppose

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