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APAT Online Series - Further Details from Des Duffy

slick mick

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Re: APAT Online Series - Further Details from Des Duffy Burnley Joe 6th- well played matey.:clap Money Ivey- 11th Mike Saban - 24th teaulc - 32nd Lou Saban- 49th VoiceofJoe - 55th PL GaF - 71st PL Histart- 86th Valiant23 - 150th Jeffster - 170th apologies if I missed any other Plers out.

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Re: APAT Online Series - Further Details from Des Duffy WTG JOE !! If they aren't members of APAT before the tourney started are they still eligible for the points ? - (the prize i presume they can't take off them) Because, as we all know Passwords can be obtained from various sources.. but the guy who finished 8th (CubsFlan) - sounds ominously like an American to me, which makes me think he's not going to be a member ??

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Re: APAT Online Series - Further Details from Des Duffy Well done Joe! :clap :clap :clap Great entertainment, and that was just the chatbox! :loon

EDIT - At least the guy who knocked me out of the tourney, "Purr of Aces", went on to actually win the tourney...
:eyes :eyes :eyes Yeah... the very same guy who went all in with two pair to on a flushed board and hit one of his 3 outers on the river to put me out. :sad
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Re: APAT Online Series - Further Details from Des Duffy The guy definitely rode his luck a bit , for sure... But then, you need a little bit of luck to win a big poker tourney, just hopefully not at our (PLers..) expense, eh ? :(:(

Well done Joe! :clap :clap :clap Great entertainment, and that was just the chatbox! :loon :eyes :eyes :eyes Yeah... the very same guy who went all in with two pair to on a flushed board and hit one of his 3 outers on the river to put me out. :sad
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Re: APAT Online Series - Further Details from Des Duffy Despite going out early, I enjoyed playing in the tourney last night, and will be playing in the Italian Open in two weeks, which I signed up for at the same time as last night's tourney... I think APAT ( The Association ) is a great idea personally, and will elavate amateur / recreational poker to a new level....

well played to the various PL members...very good showing I will happily receive any feedback good or bad on anything about last nights comp
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Re: APAT Online Series - Further Details from Des Duffy i had a very good time on this tourney,except for the muppet who called my all in with 32 players to go with 8/6 off and bloody won,:wall :wall but in general a thoroughly enjoyable game,,i wasnt too sure at first with a start of 5000 chips but it seemed to work....looking forward to the next one:ok

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Re: APAT Online Series - Further Details from Des Duffy Good format last night - only complaint was that only the top 9 got points for a tournament so large while the top 18 got paid (not just because I crashed out in 11th!). Think there should be some parity between the 2 and relative to number of players competing.Expect field to grow in next few weeks as word spreads. Good to see some of you guys doing well - any of you got plans to participate in the full live tour? Would be good to know if APAT will open registration earlier for the Dublin event as I would like to book flights and accommodation as soon as. Any suggesstions as I don't want to book everything then not get a place. see you all competing in 2 weeks time. Moneyivey PS Keep an eye out for next month's Poker Player magazine for article on WSOP experience. PPS Any of you playing in Poker in the Pub?

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