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STT stats and game selection


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Re: STT stats and game selection and thats the problem with short handed - you can get a great ITM and shite ROI LOL (as I found out last month on the $55 and $109's to my GREAT cost :puke ) wine - give it up - don't bother playing if you are not 'clean' (i.e. tired, had a drink, stressed, on tilt, hurrying a game in before going out, basically anything which means you are not focussed etc) and without knowing your playing style, be more aggressive on the bubble and HU Damo :cheers

looking for a bit of advice, I've played 106 STT's in the last month, ITM 47.2%, small loss of $18, and a negative roi of -3.1%, not too stressed about this, as I'm still an improving player, and I'm clearing bonus. Basic stats as follows
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Re: STT stats and game selection I always find that the most profitable period for me is in the morning with a coffee. I don't know if this is because the majority of players are foreign at that time but it seems to work for me. I also enjoy my wine but haven't noticed it affecting my game. Sometimes I find it helps. What spreadsheet do you use by the way?

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Re: STT stats and game selection go here http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30781&highlight=spreadsheet everything you need to know is there Damo

I always find that the most profitable period for me is in the morning with a coffee. I don't know if this is because the majority of players are foreign at that time but it seems to work for me. I also enjoy my wine but haven't noticed it affecting my game. Sometimes I find it helps. What spreadsheet do you use by the way?
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Re: STT stats and game selection My figures show a clear profit weeknights (UK) but I've played a lot of daytime poker in the last month and recorded a loss playing $5 10-mans. I don't see much in your figures that I have a take on, but you could try taking player notes to see which players you are meeting on which nights. As well as showing up particular individuals, it might highlight if you struggle more against certain player types and if you need to adapt more to the table. It could also be worth taking notes of how you are getting beaten. Are you getting blinded out more often at the weekends (a feature of my daytime play recently)? Not sure if this will help, but I did it for a few games and it showed I held on to 2-pair or TPTK far too often. Also, you say you are clearing bonus. Could you point me in the direction of sites offering bonus for STT playthrough? Most places I've looked are only offering cash game incentives, I'm obviously looking in the wrong places!

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Re: STT stats and game selection I began in the $1 buy-ins and currently play $5 - moved around sites a bit, as the first couple i played (Hills & BetFred) used to charge 20% on top of Buy-In. So moved to VC who only charge 10% - The extra 10% eats into your profits !! :eek Began on 9/10 players then moved to 6 players where i had more success. I've only really begun playing regularly since May, and have now started using Full Tilt and Pokerstars, my reasoning being that there are more 'bad' players on these sites - and for 6 man STT's the lowest buy-in is $5 (which i've worked upto), so the bad players can't start at $1,$2 like they can on the VC,Will Hill,BetFred tables - they have to start at $5 on these 'Bigger' sites My %ITM isn't as good as yours but my profit is OK. Plyed - 180 Won - 32 2nd - 38 3rd (when Paid 3rd) -9 Unp - 101 % ITM - 43.89% +/- £39.58 - (£'s not $) One tip i was given regarding HU was to make a note of %Chips you have when entering HU. You can then identify if its poor HU play or a need to be more aggressive in accumalating Chips before HU - (i.e your playing more passively to make money) I found that useful, I also try to win lots of little pots HU, instead of the Big Shove all time - although other people have success with the AllIn method Hope that helps :hope

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Re: STT stats and game selection

For an "average" player, equally likely to take any position from 1st to 5th, the standard deviation in the ROI figure over 18 games would be about 44%.
I'm feeling a bit thick today, do you want to explain that one in a little more depth (and simple terms)?
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Re: STT stats and game selection The calculation or the conclusion? For example, your Saturday figure of about -27% would be only one standard deviation below average if your expected ROI were +17% (44% - 27%), so it's far from being statistically significant evidence that you're a losing player on Saturdays.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: STT stats and game selection As I hardly drink at all, except on special occasions...birthdays, christmas...I find it concerning that people think a bit of wine would not affect their play. Booze is designed to affect the brain, aimed at easing the stress and worries of a long day. Definitely not designed to sharpen your wits while playing poker! Maybe best to try a couple of weekends without the wine, it may well be affecting you more than you think.

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