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Okay, when even *I* think someone is playing badly loose, there's something wrong!! Thoughts on what on earth these guys were doing? ------HAND 4------ Game #2115665693: Hold'em NL (15/30) - 2006/08/03 - 19:21:14 (GMT) Table "Thunder SixPak 3176658 - 16" Seat 1 is the button. Seat 1: Chelik (980 in chips) Seat 2: MrJade (2760 in chips) Seat 3: Mountgay (1410 in chips) Seat 4: Sharks11 (5120 in chips) Seat 6: drambuie (1470 in chips) MrJade: posts small blind 15 Mountgay: posts big blind 30 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to MrJade [Kc Td] Sharks11: calls 30 drambuie: folds Chelik: calls 30 MrJade: raises to 90 Mountgay: calls 60 Sharks11: calls 60 Chelik: calls 60 ----- FLOP ----- [5s Ts 7h] MrJade: bets 240 Mountgay: folds Sharks11: raises to 5030 and is all-in Jasper99 sits back Chelik: folds MrJade: is all-in 2430 Returned uncalled bets 2,360 to Sharks11 ----- TURN ----- [5s Ts 7h][7s] ----- RIVER ----- [5s Ts 7h 7s][Jh] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Sharks11: shows [8c 5c] (Two Pairs, Sevens and Fives, Jack high) MrJade: shows [Kc Td] (Two Pairs, Tens and Sevens, King high) MrJade collects 5700 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 5700 Main pot 5700 Rake 0 Board [5s Ts 7h 7s Jh] Seat 1: Chelik (button) folded on the Flop Seat 2: MrJade (small blind) showed [Kc Td] and won (5700) with Two Pairs, Tens and Sevens, King high Seat 3: Mountgay (big blind) folded on the Flop Seat 4: Sharks11 showed [8c 5c] and lost Seat 6: drambuie folded before Flop (didn't bet) ------HAND 5------ Game #2115667343: Hold'em NL (15/30) - 2006/08/03 - 19:22:34 (GMT) Table "Thunder SixPak 3176658 - 16" Seat 2 is the button. Seat 1: Chelik (890 in chips) Seat 2: MrJade (5700 in chips) Seat 3: Mountgay (1320 in chips) Seat 4: Sharks11 (2360 in chips) Seat 5: Jasper99 (1430 in chips) Seat 6: drambuie (1470 in chips) Mountgay: posts small blind 15 Sharks11: posts big blind 30 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to MrJade [8s 8d] Jasper99: folds Jasper99 sits out drambuie: folds Chelik: calls 30 MrJade: raises to 90 Mountgay: calls 75 Sharks11: calls 60 Chelik: calls 60 ----- FLOP ----- [6d 8c 7h] Mountgay: checks Sharks11: checks Chelik: bets 800 and is all-in Jasper99 sits back MrJade: raises to 1600 Mountgay: folds Sharks11: folds Returned uncalled bets 800 to MrJade ----- TURN ----- [6d 8c 7h][3s] ----- RIVER ----- [6d 8c 7h 3s][2h] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- MrJade: shows [8s 8d] (Three of a kind, Eights, Seven high) Chelik: shows [4s Qc] (High Card Queen) MrJade collects 1960 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 1960 Main pot 1960 Rake 0 Board [6d 8c 7h 3s 2h] Seat 1: Chelik showed [4s Qc] and lost Seat 2: MrJade (button) showed [8s 8d] and won (1960) with Three of a kind, Eights, Seven high Seat 3: Mountgay (small blind) folded on the Flop Seat 4: Sharks11 (big blind) folded on the Flop Seat 5: Jasper99 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: drambuie folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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Re: Muppets?! No idea of what they were doing... experienced similar goings on during last nights Sporting Odds $2,500 freeroll. Hungarians calling every single bet right down to the last round of betting on the river even though they were holding naff all! :loon

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Re: Muppets?! That happens in EVERY freeroll with Hungarians involved though, Brael :rollin Imagine the scenario: 1 million dollar freeroll. Winner takes all. Final two, both on 40,000 chips after blinds paid - checked down to the river. Board shows AKQJT rainbow. Player 1 goes all-in. Player 2 holds 32o, and is from Debrecen. Does he call? HELL YEAH!!! :rollin

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Re: Muppets?! hand 1 Sharks is limping any 2 because it is only 30 chips it is only about 1/180th of his stack, hoping to hit a miracle flop and 'double up' by busting someone. when you raise to 90, there is 150 in the pot and he has 5K+ in chips, so another 60 is nothing to him the flop shove - a wierd sort of stop and go from him - he has hit a pair and is hoping you raised with AJ etc which means you will either fold (correct play) or call whilst behind (wrong play) - of course if you did have AJ a 300 bet would probably acheive the same result - however he believes that by shoving, you might also fold hands like 99, 88, 66 etc, PP lower than the 10 that are beating him, but you now think are behind to his 'obvious' A10 K10 etc hand 2: Chelik is calling any 2 for only 30 chips hoping to hit something and double up as he is 'short stacked' compared to the rest of the table- so he limps - by the time it gets back to him there is 300 in the pot and its only another 60 to call hoping for a miracle flop obviously 5:1 is enough for him to call with crap. Flop play well his miracle has arrived - a gutshot draw at the ignorant end of the straight - a perfect hand to shove at (in his mind) assuming everyone else is playing the 'usual' two high cards or Ax or a lower PP and have missed the flop completely - of course he thinks someone might have a large PP, but he has a Q for some protection (against the JJ) and a 5 almost definately wins it for him at this point if he is called by one other player thats the analysis from a cognitive point of view from a simple 'look-at-the-cards' point of view - they both put everyone else on cards that missed the flop and were bluff-shoving as they think that is the best way to win rather than value bet the flop and see what resistance they encounter - hand 1 is less of a muppet play than hand 2, hand 2 is simply a muppet shove hoping everyone missed it and/or he hits the miracle 5 for the straight. Does this help? Damo

Okay, when even *I* think someone is playing badly loose, there's something wrong!! Thoughts on what on earth these guys were doing? ------
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