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Hate playing Queens... thoughts on this one, anyone? Table "50BONUS 3176072 - 1" Seat 9 is the button. Seat 1: MrJade (2880 in chips) Seat 2: orange66 (4420 in chips) Seat 3: christmas (3115 in chips) Seat 4: 4 Aces (1645 in chips) Seat 5: jam07 (2180 in chips) Seat 7: ALLGOOD (4630 in chips) Seat 8: Bruback69 (7775 in chips) Seat 9: nipnipper (1825 in chips) Seat 10: alfa1964 (3665 in chips) alfa1964: posts small blind 75 MrJade: posts big blind 150 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to MrJade [Qh Qs] orange66: folds christmas: folds 4 Aces: folds jam07: folds ALLGOOD: folds Bruback69: folds nipnipper: calls 150 alfa1964: folds MrJade: raises to 450 nipnipper: calls 300 ----- FLOP ----- [Td 8c 9h] MrJade: bets 600 nipnipper: raises to 1375 and is all-in MrJade: calls 775 ----- TURN ----- [Td 8c 9h][Ks] ----- RIVER ----- [Td 8c 9h Ks][9s] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- MrJade has [Qh Qs] nipnipper has [Kc Js]

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Re: Qq i think you played it ok and got unlucky .when the money went in you were a good favorite and had a straight draw as well as the pair so betting out was'nt a bad thing. he was unlikely to have qj as you had the qs and j7 isnt that plausible a set of hole cards for him so trips seems the worst he could have, so i probably would have bet out to make sure he didnt make a straight somehow just like you did ,and i would have called as well from the re raise after all you were ahead so you werent that wrong

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