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Was this a stupid fold?


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Bubble of the FT in a 45 man SNG. The re-raiser in this example has done this at least twice now, but he's also been pushing preflop a plenty with hands like AK/JJ then either showing them down or winning if he's called. Although I knew I was probably in front.. I couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger. I think if the other guy hadn't called, I'd have gone for it. Pause it when it gets round to my turn so you don't see the results :) http://www.allinpokerblog.co.uk/playhand.php?id=1010393575310 This little player thing is something I'm working on. Hopefully it doesn't crash and burn if anyone tries to use it. At the moment it only accepts single PokerStars hand histories.

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Re: Was this a stupid fold? I can't get this to work - says error on page bottom left hand corner Damo ps - I would instacall given your hand..... :tongue2

Bubble of the FT in a 45 man SNG. The re-raiser in this example has done this at least twice now, but he's also been pushing preflop a plenty with hands like AK/JJ then either showing them down or winning if he's called. Although I knew I was probably in front.. I couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger. I think if the other guy hadn't called, I'd have gone for it. Pause it when it gets round to my turn so you don't see the results :) http://www.allinpokerblog.co.uk/playhand.php?id=1010393575310 This little player thing is something I'm working on. Hopefully it doesn't crash and burn if anyone tries to use it. At the moment it only accepts single PokerStars hand histories.
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Re: Was this a stupid fold? got it to work now :) I am folding because of the small raise PF - you have let youself get bullied off the hand by not being aggressive with your A10 A 10 is just the kind of hand i want to play the shortie with on the BB - after the limp by chashorse I am SHOVING to isolate - there are 1500 chips + antes in the middle - 25% of your stack, not something to be sniffed at - get your chips in now whilst you are ahead Damo

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Re: Was this a stupid fold? 'Tis true. A shove would've been better. I'm still working on finding a balance between pushing all in and raising when my M starts getting low. Too much pushing and I go out too early, too little and I miss opportunities like this. Cheers.

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Re: Was this a stupid fold? That is a terrible play you raise almost 40% of your stack and then fold to a reraise. I think when ever you raise more than 25-30 % of your stack you have to go all the way, and in most scenarios its best to do right away.

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