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Slowplaying KK?


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Any thoughts on this one? Just started the final table of the Prima turbo game, no real reads on bourmoon. ** Game ID 881115981 starting - 2006-08-02 11:12:05 ** $10 NL Turbo[553725]:Table 1 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (150.00|300.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - JadedJ sitting in seat 1 with $10412.50 - phenix3k sitting in seat 2 with $4505.00 - vbboony sitting in seat 3 with $13162.50 - Philthy73 sitting in seat 4 with $5857.50 - BASKETAA sitting in seat 5 with $5075.00 - OnlyAGame sitting in seat 7 with $1850.00 - bourmoon sitting in seat 8 with $11597.50 [Dealer] - jineyboy sitting in seat 9 with $4825.00 - NEEL-B4-ZOD sitting in seat 10 with $14490.00 jineyboy posted the small blind - $75.00 NEEL-B4-ZOD posted the big blind - $150.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: King of Spades, King of Hearts JadedJ called - $150.00 phenix3k raised - $450.00 vbboony folded Philthy73 folded BASKETAA folded OnlyAGame folded bourmoon called - $450.00 jineyboy folded NEEL-B4-ZOD called - $450.00 JadedJ raised - $1650.00 phenix3k folded bourmoon called - $1650.00 NEEL-B4-ZOD folded ** Dealing the flop: 4 of Clubs, 6 of Clubs, 8 of Diamonds JadedJ bet - $2550.00 bourmoon went all-in - $9947.50 What's my play like up to here? What should I have done now?

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Re: Slowplaying KK? Preflop play was fine. Two elephants calling trying to catch something that need to be got rid off so I like your reraise. The flop is free of an ace and personally I think you gotta push in here. Pot is plenty big, and the last thing you wanna do is let a draw in or Ax pop his ace. But I think youve got to call the reraise. If hes got aces he got aces, but its more likely he has TT, JJ or QQ and thinks the flop is good for him now you have missed with your AK. HE might even have AK suited himself.... Either way your a favourite and if you walk into AA, 88, 66, or 44 your just unlucky. Truth be told he probably reriaes all in with a "monster" like TT or JJ, so he may well have 44 or 66 with his flat call for a ton o money. Its the sort of chimpery you often see. But you know thats a flop for kings and you takes yer chances.

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Re: Slowplaying KK? why slowplay with KK? - there are plenty of shorties who might relish the chance to get an early double up? me - I am SHOVING after the limp/raise/calls there is 1500 chips in the middle 1/6 of your stack - get your chips in NOW a raise to 1650 achieves nothing - if they are prepared to call for 450, they will call for another 1200 - the pot odds are great I am calling, you fear AA 88 66 44 57 - he has probably got 1010 JJ or the flush draw Damo

Any thoughts on this one? Just started the final table of the Prima turbo game, no real reads on bourmoon. ** Game ID 881115981 starting - 2006-08-02 11:12:05 ** $10 NL Turbo[553725]:Table 1 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (150.00|300.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - JadedJ sitting in seat 1 with $10412.50 - phenix3k sitting in seat 2 with $4505.00 - vbboony sitting in seat 3 with $13162.50 - Philthy73 sitting in seat 4 with $5857.50 - BASKETAA sitting in seat 5 with $5075.00 - OnlyAGame sitting in seat 7 with $1850.00 - bourmoon sitting in seat 8 with $11597.50 [Dealer] - jineyboy sitting in seat 9 with $4825.00 - NEEL-B4-ZOD sitting in seat 10 with $14490.00 jineyboy posted the small blind - $75.00 NEEL-B4-ZOD posted the big blind - $150.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: King of Spades, King of Hearts JadedJ called - $150.00 phenix3k raised - $450.00 vbboony folded Philthy73 folded BASKETAA folded OnlyAGame folded bourmoon called - $450.00 jineyboy folded NEEL-B4-ZOD called - $450.00 JadedJ raised - $1650.00 phenix3k folded bourmoon called - $1650.00 NEEL-B4-ZOD folded ** Dealing the flop: 4 of Clubs, 6 of Clubs, 8 of Diamonds JadedJ bet - $2550.00 bourmoon went all-in - $9947.50 What's my play like up to here? What should I have done now?
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Re: Slowplaying KK?

a raise to 1650 achieves nothing - if they are prepared to call for 450, they will call for another 1200 - the pot odds are great
Thats true but it depends on whether you want to pick up the blinds. I like this cos he has got the chips in the middle with a reasonably friendly flop. For me thats an instant call.
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Re: Slowplaying KK? I think it is ok to limp-reraise with AA-KK from early and middle position sometimes, but I´m not sure the reraise to 1650 is good, let say for argument sake that this bourmoon guy is sitting with a small pair. The fact that you limp-raised from bad position, tells him you are probably sitting with a huge hand if he is sure that you are willing to to put all your chips in with this hand, you are giving him the right odds (cost 1200) to try to catch a set. So maybe it is better to raise to 2000-2500. The fact that you are reraising from out of position have already told him you have a monster, so you don´t have to worry about the betseize telling him what kind on hand you have, he will know, no matter what.

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Re: Slowplaying KK? lets just check here - he has the best hand PF (barring AA) and you want to let a muppet in with A rag or a low pair or 910s to beat you when there is 1500 chips in the middle which is 1/6 of your stack? and you raise only another 1200? that is shocking play - there are no blinds any more, there are 3 callers to the raise, shove those chips in and don't lose the chance to either win 1500 chips, or a monster pot when called by 10 10 - either way you benefit from playing KK HU Viggo is right by reraising to only 1650 you are saying I have KK or AA and accomplishes nothing but to let at least one of them call and outdraw you with the worse hand PF (I am actually suprised you got only one caller) its a shove for me or a raise to 5K and then shove on the flop Damo

Thats true but it depends on whether you want to pick up the blinds. I like this cos he has got the chips in the middle with a reasonably friendly flop. For me thats an instant call.
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