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Gutted (What am i doing wrong?)


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Playing on poker770 in the Petante tourney and got heads up. Came 2nd after being big chipleader on the final table. Not happy with myself!:wall I have decided to post my last 10 hands for your thoughts or critisism as i feel any help from you guys can only improve my heads up play (please only post english as im no good with R25+ and all that stuff :$ ) Dummy guide please :tongue2 I do feel i got bad luck on a couple of important hands and at one point in the 1st of my 10 hands history i was screaming "I've Won" and only when i saw the split pot did i realise the river killed my hand :puke I think that was the beginning of the end for me. Ok here goes URL=http://imageshack.us]screenhunter5co6.jpg[/url screenhunter6rm0.jpg screenhunter7rl3.jpg screenhunter8th0.jpg screenhunter9px7.jpg URL=http://imageshack.us]screenhunter10zv9.jpg[/url screenhunter11tv2.jpg screenhunter12xw5.jpg screenhunter13yj2.jpg screenhunter14yq6.jpg And this is my win screenhunter3sr8.jpg

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Re: Gutted (What am i doing wrong?) nothing too bad there and a nice cash. one thing i did notice was that the opp seemed very tight , i noticed they folded most of those hands pre flop..i would then be reluctant to call an all in with say a bare ace as they seem very weak and could be outplayed with reasonable ease without having to resort to the 50/50 all ins. and i guess when they go all in after folding so often they probably have something

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Re: Gutted (What am i doing wrong?) Hi rednutt, Looking through the hands nothing leaps out and says bad play to me. The trouble with HU at the end of an MTT is that a lot of what happens depends on the fall of the cards and with the blinds so big theres not a lot of room for maneuver. Think there was a post earlier this week that said if you simply just go all-in every hand then you'll end up winning 45% of the time - with my HU record thats probably a better strategy than my usual one :lol . Enjoy the 2nd place and $120 :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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Re: Gutted (What am i doing wrong?) First of all, i must say that getting $120 , you must have been doing a lot of things right. ALthough in respect of the hands above as in everything - its all a matter of opinion - i completely disagree with slick mick and thought your aggression was the main cause of your downfall. i tend to agree with stevie-p he was just biding his time waiting to pick up a hand, knowing you'd probably be pot committed before you realised you'd been hooked

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Re: Gutted (What am i doing wrong?) Yeah Gaf wd on 6th , forgot you were playing :loon I'm relieved that no one has said i was completely useless phew :loon I've calmed down a little and glad i got second. I also agree with Joe and Stevie that my aggression may have been my downfall and i was aware he was folding a lot of sb's. My heart was pounding and i wasn't thinking str8 after my win got split on the river :puke Still feel sick about that. This is the 3rd time i have made the final table on one of these tourneys twice being chipleader going in and placing 3rd $60 and 2nd for $120 with my other final table appearance getting 6th for $6(was trying deserately for 5th $30) so i guess i questioned myself because i cant quite get that 1st place i want so much. I will keep at it till i get it though. I will not give up. Thankyou all for your comments and congrats. Much appreciated :ok

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Re: Gutted (What am i doing wrong?) Wasn't me in 6th :unsure Well done Rednutt on 2nd - fantastic performance :ok The only comment I would add (and we all know what I think of my heads up play, so could be off the mark - would be interested to hear others thoughts on what I say) - your bets seem to be strange amounts - IMO you either want to be going all in to maximise the chance your opponent will fold, or betting 2 or 2.5 times the BB to minimise your risk/allow you the chance to get away from the hand. Looks like you were both at about 10x BB at the start - so it's borderline whether to shove or raise about 2.5x BB - but it looks to me like you wanted to bet 5xBB (just looking again - first was 4x BB 2nd and 3rd were 3x BB) - if you are pot committed (i.e. you will call an all in reraise) with a marginal hand then you should be going all in so that your opponent knows he has no fold equity and is more likely to fold the blinds to you. If you put a bet in less than all in, then it should be when you either have a huge hand and want a showdown, or if you have a marginal hand and will get away from it if reraised. Obviously some deception on this theme is needed too if the HU goes on long.....

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Re: Gutted (What am i doing wrong?) No Run it's $3 from 16th to 50th.:loon I've played a few, and managed a second in one like Rednutt. It's a strange pay structure and quite a difference between 1st and 2nd. But your pretty much gauranteed your money back if you don't rebuy. I'ts Poker 770's own french tourney's, called Petante. This one's a $750 gauranteed rebuy. They run regularly every evening.

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Re: Gutted (What am i doing wrong?) Hiya Red, very well played and congrats on the 2nd! :ok :ok :ok Simply put - and I think one person mentioned it. You put your whole tournament on A2. Sorry mate, but for me even HU I won't play A2. You may as well be playing with one hole card because as soon as the villain hits one of his cards (okay K3 is still rubbish too, but we're not helping him are we ;)), you're basically relying on one of the 3 Aces to hit. You're basically hoping that you both have rags and that neither improve 5 cards later.... fold the A2, let him have that one, and push when you have better cards Saying that mate you did it in the first of the last 10 hands with A3 and got lucky. Stop playing high cards with crap kickers unless in dire straits is my advice.

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