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Hand from tonights Tikays


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Re: Hand from tonights Tikays

OK if you want me to be serious..for those who may not of noticed I was also at the table and watched the hand unfold and the ensuing argument. You both played it not too well and one of you got lucky. Steviep was probably a little peeved with his mistake with the final call and on seeing what you had hit reeled off 'dik' without really thinking (out of character IMO). If he had said that to me I would have just put it into context of what I had just done to him and ignored it and maybe sent him a PM later. Where you did things differently, you came straight back and told him to get fcked and that escalated the matter into a full blown argument that neither of you could win and to be honest it was embarrassing. I tried to diffuse it but you both carried on hammer and tongue (pointless totally pointless) Putting the HH on here, mentioning what stevie said and asking people to back up you argument is also being a little out of order. As it took a closed argument that I was the only other Pler to witness and opened it to the whole forum which looks to me like you are trying to alienate stevie (is this fair?) So again I try to make light of the matter (cos it doesnt fckin matter!) and you go off at everyone. Now just let it be :wall
Yeah maybe your right Brian, maybe i shouldnt have said what i said, maybe i shouldnt have reacted the way i did, maybe i shouldnt have posted what i have, maybe i should appologise, and maybe i was angry and people winding me up didnt help SO.......... To Stevie.......I appologize for my language, i appologize for posting this thread and hopefully we can put it behind us and move on To All on PL.....sorry for my tantrum, i was angry and wound up, dosent excuse it, but hopefully explains it a little, i dont do it very often. To anyone i offended, im sorry
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Re: Hand from tonights Tikays jeez!!!! didnt expect all this. had to leave to pick up gf so reason i left the table. when i called u a "dik" it was a heat of the moment thing although little i seen since would cause me to take it back. however it was myself who made the initial comment and therefore will apologise for name calling. i dont mind the hand history going up, i played badly to call the all in but had morlspin on a about 5 different hands on the flop and only one improved on the turn(j,10) as i said i put him on middle pair and a draw so i called. everyone plays differently so hands pan out and swing from flop to river etc...at the time i felt it was a marginal call pre flop being out of position and a tight player raising from mid position...the bet on the flop was a decent play but when i re raised it was a bad call imo ...i got unlucky on the turn and with the overcard and facing an all in bet , i suppose if id of thought it out longer i mightnt of called so quick, as i say i had a certain few hands on the flop that i was working on and the all in bet suited most of them. thats poker ...u win some you lose some. didnt want to bad vibe anyone or start name calling and spliting people into "sides" as i say i apologise for calling anyone on pl names. if i do after a bad play etc ...ignore me i dont mean it. gl:)

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