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Morlspin the legend....


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Monday 31st July.....Poker Player drops through letter box... A few minutes later, I nearly choke on me cornflakes - On page 24, there, in all his "loveliness" is our very own Morlspin, complete with his mini blog from Goalpoker Ibiza piss up, er poker tourney... Think you may have missed something out, Morls : Tuesday 2 AM, "Felt rough after having me stomach pumped at the Hospital..Must have been Saturday's Vodka that did it, like !" Is your nipple still sore dude ? :rollin:rollin:rollin

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Re: Morlspin the legend.... Just read the same thing. He'll be the Daily Star's Page 7 Fella next week! I expect my mate Lloyd who took the pic will be weighed in by Morls as recompense for his new found fame!! :lol :lol :lol

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Re: Morlspin the legend.... not sure his diary is correct as I was with him all weekend and dont remember that :eyes dont remember you doing the bucking bronco either thought there was only one unlucky loser who got to do that :rollin great piece and pic though morls :clap:clap PS did you have coke with that bottle of vodka

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Re: Morlspin the legend....

Of course this feature does show Goalpoker in a good light which they do not deserve. I will be sending a letter to the Editor informing him of their recent actions.
Rick Dacey was informed of the situation the day after fenners and Burnley Joe got their e-mails, in the hope they'd do a 'P.S.' add on explaining GP's actions, but next months should be interesting to read, especially as I'd hope all PLers e-mail a letter... :ok
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Re: Morlspin the legend....

I had a chat with Rick about this and they understandably can't print anything until they have some solid information.
"SOLID INFORMATION!!!!!!!!" The E-mails have been posted!!!!!! They won a trip to the WSOP, Buy in and expenses paid. They got an e-mail saying they were NOT going!!! They were then ignored by GP and had to bailed out by AP(:notworthy ) but STILL had to pay for their Travel and Accom!! Pretty F***ing "Solid" from where i'm sitting! C.R.
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Re: Morlspin the legend....

"SOLID INFORMATION!!!!!!!!" The E-mails have been posted!!!!!! They won a trip to the WSOP, Buy in and expenses paid. They got an e-mail saying they were NOT going!!! They were then ignored by GP and had to bailed out by AP(:notworthy ) but STILL had to pay for their Travel and Accom!! Pretty F***ing "Solid" from where i'm sitting! C.R.
Think Rick would want to see a forwarded email from at least one of them, headers and all. We all know its true, but he'd need something traceable in his hands (which the email header and options info has in it), which the emails copied on here would not be. Looking forward to seeing the next edition.:lol
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Re: Morlspin the legend....

Pretty F***ing "Solid" from where i'm sitting!
Agree 100%!!! There's no doubt that Fenners, Burnley Joe and others won $15,000 WSOP packages on Goalpoker (I haven't heard goalpoker dispute this and their email to them kind of confirms it!!) There's also no doubt that "an extraordinary chain of events" made goalpoker decide not to give these prizes out!! Totally inadequate (i.e. NO) explainations and nothing to suggest that Goalpoker is on a sound financial footing (they can't be surely!!) and has any hope of delivering future prizes......... Apreciate that Poker Player have to get all the facts and details, and discuss with Goalpoker (but presumably they'll be as unwilling to give PokerPlayer straight answers as they were Joe and Fenners) - and that they also have copy deadlines which may have passed for this mag - however, I for one would be extremely disappointed in PokerPlayer if they didn't report the facts in the next issue, and continued "promoting" goalpoker - in fact it would be utterly irresponsable to their readership, and I don't believe for a second they will do it......
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Re: Morlspin the legend....

Just read the same thing. He'll be the Daily Star's Page 7 Fella next week! I expect my mate Lloyd who took the pic will be weighed in by Morls as recompense for his new found fame!! :lol :lol :lol
never got fck all for it mate, tighter than a nuns muff they are :lol
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