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How To Play This?


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Turbo tournament, 15 mins in, nothing remotely playable (even by MY standards!!), and then I get this. beeker179 posted small blind (10) Drum19 posted big blind (20) Game # 878,564,177 starting. Dealing Hole Cards Jaded has Td, Th Cookie101 folded JadedJ raised for 60 ilovekari called for 60 mikeharry called for 60 Danzigen called for 60 sami192 folded TMcStacks folded beeker179 folded Drum19 called for 40 Dealing the Flop(6d 6s 9d ) Drum19 checked JadedJ bet for 240 ilovekari folded mikeharry folded Danzigen called for 240 Drum19 folded Dealing the turn(9s ) JadedJ bet for 540 Danzigen called for 540 Dealing the river(Jd ) JadedJ checked Danzigen went all-in for 850 JadedJ went all-in for 620 Did I screw up prior to the end, or just at the river?

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Re: How To Play This? You had aces, you didnt raise enough, you got called by 4 people one of whom will out flop and you refused to back off. You man probably showed you a 6 or a nine? With aces and kings early in a tournament the blinds are not big enough relative to stack sizes to be playing it cute. At 4xBB the implied odds for calling bad hands are massive. YOu need to be betting about 15-20% of your stack and moving in on the flop if anyone is daft enough to call. If they have outflopped you well thats poker, they certainly didnt have implied odds to do it with 20% of your chips in the middle (your giving them 4/1 if you know your moving in on any flop)

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Re: How To Play This? Ida bet a bit more at the flop - the size of the pot infact. Should have been about 320? If its called you have to figure your beat, unless he has 7-8 and is drawing at the straight or flush like a plank? Certainly after that turn there is a good chance your beaten by A6, A9, JJ, QQ KK and AA and the river compounds your missery bringing the flush. Personally one of the biggest improvements to my game was to stop playing TT like its a serious hand. Its really a small pair. Lot of overcards combinations that are playable that can outflop you hard. Now I treat it like sevens. Limp in and get out if you sniff an over pair or bad flop.

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Re: How To Play This?

Personally one of the biggest improvements to my game was to stop playing TT like its a serious hand. Its really a small pair. Lot of overcards combinations that are playable that can outflop you hard. Now I treat it like sevens. Limp in and get out if you sniff an over pair or bad flop.
Thats a fair comment Dave, but surely the point of raising pre-flop isn't just to get more chips. For me its to eliminate the fish playing mid suited connectors (doesn't always work thanks to implied odds :eyes), and to see if you're up against bigger hands/overpairs. I'd have played this hand with a 5xBB raise preflop (calling a re-raise, but folding to a re-re-raise), and with that flop I'd have mad a pot sized raise. In fact in PokerStars deep stack tourney I played 10 10 exactly this way. I'll dig out the hand. (Please screen print the following for posterity) I have to say Jaded I am surprised and a little dismayed by your lack of pre-flop aggression.... I feel dirty now... :$
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Re: How To Play This?

In fact in PokerStars deep stack tourney I played 10 10 exactly this way
Actually, it turns out I didn't. I re-raised Jailhaus because he was a fish.
Dealt to Valiant23 [Ts Td] MotherTruckr: calls 50 Allin_7351: folds Jailhaus: raises 200 to 250 aeest400: folds artpoker: folds uberpl: folds squeezemall: folds mad.afurable: folds Valiant23: raises 250 to 500 MotherTruckr: raises 1768 to 2268 and is all-in Jailhaus: calls 2018 Valiant23: folds *** FLOP *** [7d 7c 2h] Valiant23 said, "rofl" *** TURN *** [7d 7c 2h] [4h] *** RIVER *** [7d 7c 2h 4h] [3h] *** SHOW DOWN *** MotherTruckr: shows [Kc Ks] (two pair, Kings and Sevens) Jailhaus: shows [9c 9s] (two pair, Nines and Sevens) MotherTruckr collected 5061 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 5061 | Rake 0 Board [7d 7c 2h 4h 3h] Seat 1: MotherTruckr showed [Kc Ks] and won (5061) with two pair, Kings and Sevens Seat 2: Allin_7351 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: Jailhaus showed [9c 9s] and lost with two pair, Nines and Sevens Seat 4: aeest400 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: artpoker folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: uberpl folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: squeezemall (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: mad.afurable (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 9: Valiant23 (big blind) folded before Flop
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Re: How To Play This? Thanks for the advice, guys - just busted out of a Turbo with TT as well! Although in that one, had an M of 2.5 so was desperate to make a stand... In the hand in the OP, he had T9o for the full house :(

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