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Sporting Odds Merge with Paradise Poker


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After complaing cos of the recent crashes, freezes and disconnections, i received this email back off Harry at Sporting Odds, didnt know they were merging, so whats peoples thoughts, ive never used paradise poker, so dont know if this is a good thing or not. _______________________________________________________________________ Dear Sir,

Thank you for your e-mail.

Please accept our apologies for the disruption caused to our poker server yesterday evening.

Whilst every effort is made to prevent these problems, from time to time unforseen errors can occur which are beyond our control.

I can confirm that the problems were not caused by the volume of players on the site. We realise it is frustrating losing connection during tournaments or regular cash play which is why in just under 6 weeks our merge with Paradise Poker will have taken place creating a generally more reliable and pleasurable experience.

As a loyal and valued customer I have credited $10 to your poker account.

Kind regards,

Harry Customer Care Team SportingOdds.com

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Re: Sporting Odds Merge with Paradise Poker A merge sounds worryingly like a paradise takeover and could mean the end of the likes of the champions league or at best it being open to all paradise players too I have about 30 poker icons on my desktop and paradise is the only skin using that software. This does not sound like good news.

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Re: Sporting Odds Merge with Paradise Poker whats interesting for me, is that my betting account is with sporting, and when I log into the poker account it brings it across. I had the betting account first, and then took up the poker account It would prove a right pain in the feckin arse to shift money from the betting account over to poker.co.uk to play poker with and then shift it back again to bet with :wall (anyway I can't, one is on my card and the other on Liz's, and you can't deposit/withdrawal onto different named cards, and you can't add a partners card to the account - I tried this with VC and they said NO, even tho Liz was sat next to me and spoke to the customer service person.....) Will wait and see what happens Cheers Damo :cheers

When I first came to PL Paradise Poker got quite a slating on here, although someone else will have to shed a light on it. Damo, if you want to stay on Boss, why not move to Poker.co.uk or Virgin? I know Lizzie's account is on one of them, but it shouldn't really stop you.
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Re: Sporting Odds Merge with Paradise Poker Nice result Morls, exactly the sort of reply I was looking for. Dunno If I went direct to boss but I wrote a very long but polite email to [email protected] outlining problems and saying that it will lose custom if they can't resolve the problems, basically asking what there plans were for getting it fixed- I recieved this -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Steve, Thank you for the email regarding your poker account. In order for investigation we require some more information, could you please provide us with the following details: 1) Date 2) Exact Time (GMT) 3) Amount missing 4) Buy-in amount 5) Tournament id If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Kind Regards, ---------------------------------------------------- Craig Bellerson Customer Service Agent IPN Response ------------------------------------------------ I think craig will do better in his career if he even bothers to read the emails sent to him - what a w4nker. If SO are merging with paradise I'll keep an eye on the site, I know they generally ok to deal with, but every other Boss site is being uninstalled.

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Re: Sporting Odds Merge with Paradise Poker hmmm , i still play safety net occasionally and got into the money quite frequently . I guess the safety net would be gone soon . Looks good to grow a little bankroll . Looks like its back to the drawing board on other poker softwares to try to build some bankroll playing freerolls .

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Re: Sporting Odds Merge with Paradise Poker STT rules here http://www.paradisepoker.com/tournaments/mini_tournaments.html not good, a $1 charge for the $5 STT, so 20% rather than 10, and blinds go up after fixed hands, not time and only 800 (or 1000??? if its a 'standard' tounry, whatever that is) chips to start with - so its muppet central oh well, made my mind up, looks like I am going back to VC so I can play some poker rather than just be a shove monkey and be coin flipping with my aces against 3 others after I shove..... Damo

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Re: Sporting Odds Merge with Paradise Poker Must admit I like SO (even with their network problems - which haven't affected me as badly as some others) and Punters Lounge has generally had a good relationship with them. I've never been overly impressed by Paradise so unless the move involved some sort of financial incentive (signing on fee?) then I suspect I'd take my money out of SO and not bother (already got a "dead" account on Paradise). Maybe Paradise are trying to break into the Hungarian market :lol .

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Re: Sporting Odds Merge with Paradise Poker

Maybe Paradise are trying to break into the Hungarian market :lol .
On a seperate note, I played the Wednesday $1 challange for the first time in ages and it didn't seem half as bad for the huns. Was I just lucky?
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Re: Sporting Odds Merge with Paradise Poker Paradise and Sporting Odds are already part of the same group. THis is, so far as I understand, just Sporting Odds moving over to the Paradise platform - I get the impression that they are as sick of Boss as we are!!!!

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Re: Sporting Odds Merge with Paradise Poker Steve this is what i sent to spodds..... Ive just read back what the reply was, and he says sorry for the problems last night, thanks.....but i never played last night lol ________________________________________________________ Hi All I have been playing a lot of MTT's on sporting odds over the last few weeks, and having some good results of late, however, the last week has been very frustrating with regards to the software of the site, im constantly being disconnected, tables freezing and quite often, 5mins pauses in the game where no cards are dealt for no reason. Today in the $6+1 NL Holdem tourney, i played 1 hand and was cut off for 10 mins..... I use a lot of boss media sites (virgin, poker.co.uk etc) and hardly get any problems with these, the only thing keeping me playing on Sporting Odds is the excellent tournies you have ($1 challenge, Tikay and Champions League) but my patience is now being pushed to the limit. Basically what im saying is......get the software sorted, keep up the good work and expect a lot of players to stay, but if like me, they want consistantly reliable software, then they may be looking elsewhere. I wasnt going to make a complaint, but over the last week, ive had these problems. Sunday 23rd, disconnected twice in the Champions League game, which was cancelled Tuesday 25th, disconnected 3 times, pauses in play, and i lost 1000 chips sat out in the Champions League game Thursday 27th, disconnected once, pauses in play, and finished 2nd in the Champions League game, despite the one disconnection happening once heads up in final 2!! During the $10+1 NL Heads Up MTT i was disconnected 5 times in total, but managed to win the MTT! Saturday 29th, played 1 hand and was disconnected from the texas holdem $6+1 game for 10 mins Come on Sporting Odds, Sort this out please Graeme Morl Morlspin

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Re: Sporting Odds Merge with Paradise Poker Heres the reply to my answer yesterday! ________________________________________________________________ Thanks, but after obviously not reading my email, and hoping to fob me off with $10, quite franky this is just pathetic. Sorry for the problems yesterday evening? which would have been friday......i never played on friday, i detailed the days i played and had problems, this just proves you didnt read and just fobbed me off. Im currently playing in the Champions league tournament leg 13, and have now been booted out and cant get back in This is just a disgrace, how am i meant to challenge for the good prizes when your software continuously lets me down? Ive copied this to Joe Legge, who seems to be the only member of your staff who gives a damn about the customer! Graeme Morl Morlspin

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Re: Sporting Odds Merge with Paradise Poker Hmmmm, not unusual for them to take that attitude though is it? I got the hump in a similar fashion when I received a 'bonus' :eyes instead of them actually addressing the problem. But lets be honest. Boss are quite possibly the worst for customer support, so it shouldn't surprise us when we get treated in this manner.

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Re: Sporting Odds Merge with Paradise Poker My chat with them is ongoing, I replied asking Craig to read the email before sending a standard response, got an arsey reply saying that if I disconnect that the onus is on me to reconnect and they checked my last disconnect and it wasn't registered on their system as a disconnect. I have replied saying that if these problems aren't registering on their system log maybe they have more software problems than they realise! Got kicked out within 10 minutes last night so I threw in my chips at the first opportunity but did get screen dumps of before (greyed out screen with error message) during (there are 4 billion other people logging in please wait 3 minutes) and after (reduced chipstack) which I have sent as support. Unfortunately I will not be playing SO anymore other than the invitational freeroll on thursday so I can't really pester them too much.

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Re: Sporting Odds Merge with Paradise Poker I've got to say that I've had little problem with Sporting Odds recently. It had been a big issue when using my laptop but a move away from the built-in wireless card fixed that. Big hats-off to Joe Legge too. I couldn't play the invitational freeroll last month and he promised to put me in for this week's game. He's kept his word so I'll be there on Wednesday night! :clap

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Re: Sporting Odds Merge with Paradise Poker

I've got to say that I've had little problem with Sporting Odds recently. It had been a big issue when using my laptop but a move away from the built-in wireless card fixed that. Big hats-off to Joe Legge too. I couldn't play the invitational freeroll last month and he promised to put me in for this week's game. He's kept his word so I'll be there on Wednesday night! :clap
Isn't it Thursday?:unsure
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Re: Sporting Odds Merge with Paradise Poker

Heres the reply.....now suggesting its my fault ffs!!!

________________________________________________________________________ Dear Graeme, Thank you for your email. Please accept my apologies for getting the date of your disconnection wrong, we were experiencing a high volume of customers who were disconnected on Friday evening and although I did read your email I assumed you had been affected by this aswell. I am however not aware of complaints about our poker software on the other dates you have mentioned. Whilst it seems that your initial email was simply looking for assurances regarding the reliabilty of our poker software I felt it was appropriate to offer you a goodwill gesture as a loyal customer. I am disappointed that you feel this was simply to fob you off. I, like you, am in the dark most of the time about why disconnections occur but more often than not when quizzed by customers our software provider, Boss media are usually insistant that there are no problems from their side. With this in mind this should shed some light on why disconnections can occur: 'Our game servers run on a secure server, which is constantly updating information to and from your computer, every fraction of a second. In order for your computer to maintain the best possible link there is, it is constantly re-routing, and attempting to obtain the best connection possible. If your ISP (Internet Service Providers) server’s disconnects from us, then there is no longer a live feed to your computer which results in a freeze. You can still connect to other sites, as your ISP does in fact remain connected to other websites; the solution to this problem is to contact your Internet Service Provider to come up with a possible solution. We normally recommend that you remove all cookies and temporary Internet files off your computer, and also run an anti virus and anti spy ware program regularly. We do also suggest that you run only our poker software when playing to maintain optimum connection.' I am not suggesting that this is relevant in this case but when the problems are from our side it is usually a tough task getting in to the poker at all and not just occasional disconnections. It may be worth trying the solution regarding the cookies and temporary internet files just to re-inforce your computer. We are looking forward to the new software coming in as much as our clients are, and we are very hopeful that the perfomance will eclipse that of the current providers. Please accept my apologies once again for any negligence in my original email, I can confirm that Joe Legge is currently on holiday for a week and will no doubt respond to your email when he returns.

Any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us again. Kind regards Harry Customer Care Team SportingOdds.com

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Re: Sporting Odds Merge with Paradise Poker

'Our game servers run on a secure server' date= which is constantly updating information to and from your computer, every fraction of a second. In order for your computer to maintain the best possible link there is, it is constantly re-routing, and attempting to obtain the best connection possible. If your ISP (Internet Service Providers) server’s disconnects from us, then there is no longer a live feed to your computer which results in a freeze.You can still connect to other sites, as your ISP does in fact remain connected to other websites; the solution to this problem is to contact your Internet Service Provider to come up with a possible solution.
It sounds like they are saying that Internet Lag will cause their software to crash (yes - we KNOW that's true) and you should contact your ISP to get them to remove internet lag :lol :lol How ludicrous!!! Internet lag is a given!!!! It cannot be removed - if their software cannot deal with lag of a "fraction of a second", then they will always have problems, because we will always have some lag!!! And if they are unaware that the disconnections have been continuous on Boss for a large majority of users over the last week or so, then they have no clue what is going on in their software!!!!!
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Re: Sporting Odds Merge with Paradise Poker

It sounds like they are saying that Internet Lag will cause their software to crash (yes - we KNOW that's true) and you should contact your ISP to get them to remove internet lag :lol :lol How ludicrous!!! Internet lag is a given!!!! It cannot be removed - if their software cannot deal with lag of a "fraction of a second", then they will always have problems, because we will always have some lag!!! And if they are unaware that the disconnections have been continuous on Boss for a large majority of users over the last week or so, then they have no clue what is going on in their software!!!!!
but what can we do Gaf, with idiots in charge of cust service were screwed
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Re: Sporting Odds Merge with Paradise Poker I can't even use the sporting odds poker software. I have a sportingodds.com account. I cant use these details to log into the software so I click on new user and I get a error; invalid combination of arguments: action=create_user; campaign=ref5839_0; slave_id=3; userid=; at /usr/local/netbet/lib//SB/Model/PeerTransaction/Slave/Redirect.pm line 67. When I speak to them they say I dont have a sportingodds.com account?!?!?! How so? I'm logged into the thing !! Quite annoying this as I'd like to take part in the sporting odds games you guys play !

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Re: Sporting Odds Merge with Paradise Poker

Even tho Boss Media sucks... I am really gonna miss SO :cry :cry :cry
Me too pene :cry , glitches apart I think the software is far and away the best for ease of use etc.. Is this merge a definite then? Does anyone know for sure? :ok :cheers
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Re: Sporting Odds Merge with Paradise Poker

Me too pene :cry , glitches apart I think the software is far and away the best for ease of use etc.. Is this merge a definite then? Does anyone know for sure? :ok :cheers
Yeah... I really like it too... when its not fcukin up... I honestly don't hope it will be a reality... the merge... :unsure
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