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Just got this e-mail... Dear Member Ref: Mirror Freeroll Firstly may we apologise for the recent interruption to play you experienced in the above tournament. Member support and the stability of our products is of paramount importance to all at MANSION and any departures from our standards is taken very seriously. The technical difficulties you have experienced were unfortunately unavoidable, however we understand that this can be very frustrating for our Members and would like to assure you we are working tirelessly to ensure this situation is resolved. Please accept as a gesture of our goodwill a $10 credit to your account, which you will receive on Monday, as by way of apology and assuring you of our best attention at all times. Should you require any further clarification or assistance with this, or any other account management support, please do not hesitate to contact us 24hrs a day. Kindest regards, MANSION Poker Member Service I'd already been knocked out :)

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Re: Mansion.... I was playing 5 cash games when the site crashed TWICE saturday morning when we were mid-hand. Lost money from the hand itself which was never resolved and also lost out on over an hour worth of MCP's for 5 tables (had been playing over an hour on each) ........ wanted MCP's to clear bonus. They've given sweet FA in compensation and not even replied to emails regarding it.

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Re: Mansion.... P.S It's a fooking joke they'll compensate for freerolls and 1c 500 addeds, but won't even give refunds when hands were played in cash games when the site was taken down without warning before the hand came to a conclusion.

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Re: Mansion.... When the $500 added crashed last Friday (i was 4th- 14 left) I had to email them twice before they eventually sent me a reply email outlining how they work out compensation payments when a tournament crashes. Eventually got a payment on the Monday afternoon - not the fastest at replying but they do pay up!! Tried to enter two tourneys since but the bloody software wouldnt even let me register :wall - will leave alone for a while and hope they get themselves sorted

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Re: Mansion.... Im talking to live chat now about my query ......... if they'll compensate for freerolls but won't compensate for actual real money cash games it's disgusting - i don't even want compensation, i just want what i put into the pot when they crashed and i want my MCP's for the hours i spent playing per table so i can nobble that deposit bonus down a bit.

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Re: Mansion....

wait till you try and drag your money from them !! - you have to send copies of Passport and your credit/cards !!
This is very common nowadays (and understandable) and advice given on here was to make sure you blank out the check digits (and signature?) on back of credit card to make it harder for anyone being able to do any damage. Having said that, I've floated numerous bits of card details to numerous poker companies over past year and noughts ever happened - personally I'd be more worried about your local garage :lol . IMHO Mansion (god bless 'em) are generally fairly good about apologizing (with money and otherwise) for any problems encountered and I can't think of many other poker sites that would apologize with $10 for a freeroll failure. They sent me the letter promising $10 and I'd forgotten I'd even registered fot it :nana . I always wandered why (in the early days) 0valman seemed to register for every freeroll going on Mansion no matter what time of day or night....... :rollin
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Re: Mansion.... I had $5 from SO after I complained about the problems in the Champions League last night. Very prompt reply. I would like to carry on playing at SO but the way its going I may have to go else where. I was in the Mirror freeroll and had problems but I haven't had any email. Not too worried I'm giving up on Mansion for now.

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