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I decided to take the plunge and bought a copy of SnG Power Tools - it seems expensive compared to other tools like Poker Tracker, however on twoplustwo seems to get rave reviews, and Harrington supposedly praises it in HOH III - if it's good for Harrington ........ ;) Anyway, first thing that really took my eye was not the program itself, but an article in the help files on "Unexploitable Heads Up play". I don't feel it's right to reproduce the whole article, but will summarise and maybe give one table example of the data - so it may be that only others with the program can answer my query..... I make no secret that I think my HU play is quite weak - so this, a "robotic" way to play HU reasonably well hits the right spots with me. In brief, the argument is that if you follow this mathmatical approach - to either shove or fold every hand, you can play the "Nash Equilibrium" (apparently thats a "game theory" term) and it is impossible for your opponent to have an edge on you. And if he doesn't play the NE, then you will have an edge on him. The hands you shove (or fold) depend not on M or Q, but on R!!! Effectively the same - it is the multiplier of your stack over the Big Blind. However having read it, and tried it (only over 2 games - so no statistical significance at all) I am extremely dubious over the possibility that this has any chance at all of working - specifically at high M (or High R) moments (I haven't formed an opinion yet for low R moments - I haven't lasted long enough to find out). However, the guy who wrote the article is clearly very talented and his mathmatical and studious approach is one that I like and would want to "follow" - maybe I need to do some research on how Howard Lederer plays........ Here is an example of the criteria for when R=25 ...... HU, all-in/fold, Blinds 100/200, Min Stack 5000 (R=25)

Basically Red is fold, green is all in and yellow is all in for SB but fold for BB. First thing is - if you are all in, what difference does the SB/BB make? ESPECIALLY at high R? The odds will be virtually identical. Secondly - there seems little distinction between going all in and calling all in - which must be utter crap mustn't it? (ok confession time - I've skim read it 3 or 4 times - but not read it properly yet - so I MAY have missed a point somewhere......) So you have a relatively huge stack and stand to win pretty small blinds - can it really be right to go all in pre flop with the likes of J9o, 96s - sounds like high risk for little reward to me........ I just cannot see it...... So my question - anyone else who has this - have you tried it and does it work for you? Is it my application that is wrong or the system? As I said - I'm talking specifically at high R moments - have formed no opinion yet on the lower R proposals, but can imagine that it may work - at that stage aggression is key ..... and this certainly advocates aggression!!!!! Also worth adding - this "all in" approach doesn't claim to be the best ("Maximal") solution, but it does claim to be a solution in which your oppoenent cannot get an edge on you - i.e. you will win 50% if your opponent plays the same, increasing if your opponent deviates from this..... or am I REALLY missing the point somewhere? :unsure

Re: Unexploitable Heads Up play Being of a mathematical background (degree in statistics) i've done a little research on game theory and can see you're missing a few points but you're asking so many questions and I've had so many stella's that I'm going to have to reply tomorrow with a fuller explanation. Basically there is a basic theory of heads up and lots of more and more complex theories. I tend to do really well in heads up due to a mixture of maths backgound knowledge and poker instinct but it is such a complex area it's difficult to know where to start.

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