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Poker Player Team Challenge

slick mick

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Re: Poker Player Team Challenge PL PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARTY!!!!! Nice one Morl, Mick and Rick!!!! This is a live event? or Online? And 4 v 4? Recommend we use the rankings as at a certain date for team selection (once we know the dates involved) or is that unfair on PokerPlayer who will get well and truely stuffed? Perhaps the bottom 4 players would be a more even contest? :P

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Re: Poker Player Team Challenge Dont blame Mick for this one Paul I started the ball rolling after asking on the betfair poker player game thread about it, since none of the mods/yourself told me no/hold on etc, i sent Rick some emails regarding it. Below are whats been said so far...

From: Graeme [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 24 July 2006 20:27 To: Rick Dacey Subject: poker challenge for the mag Hi Rick After playin the betfair game tonight i had a flash of inspiration! Dunno if its a good idea or if its already been done, but how about a forum challenge in the mag? I read last months with the girls vs boys playing and wondered if this could be a regular thing....more forums would advertise, more people would buy and the beauty of it, is that it wont cost a thing.. How about it? are pokerplayer up for a challenge off the punterslounge.com? 4 players each, easy few pages filled in the mag and loads more copies sold! If your interested, lemme know cheers mate Graeme ____________________________________________________________
Subject:RE: poker challenge for the mag
Date:Tue, 25 Jul 2006 11:02:45 +0100
From:"Rick Dacey"

Not a bad idea. I haven't had a cup of tea yet so my brain's not working fully yet. Were you thinking live or online?

_____________________________________________________________ Hi Rick, was a bit hungover when i got to work this mornin, so a bit extra here on what i said earlier. You had your cuppa yet? Was thinking of basically the same format you used in the girls vs boys game last month, but with 4 members of pokerplayer, and 4 members of punterslounge, live would probably be best, that way you remove the river element that destroys all good hands online haha As it wont be for money, the game could be done anywhere, in a bar, hotel, once we beat ya, you could then offer other forums the challenge and make it a regular feature if its easy to do, which in theory it should be! Graeme ______________________________________________________________ So it was me who started the ball rolling, for 2 reasons only, 1,when i asked about it, no one said any probs with the suggestion....and 2, i wanted to get PL as much publicity as possible

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Re: Poker Player Team Challenge At the end of the day, all I'm saying is we have a team of guys and girls who run PL, and between us have made the decisions that make this place what it is today. If everyone starts making decisions without consulting me or the the rest of the team, then it all goes tits up, because there is no organisation. No big deal, let's just think a little before we get balls rolling.;)

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Re: Poker Player Team Challenge Appreciate what you're saying Paul but sometimes we just get too enthusiastic about spreading the PL gospel. My game has improved considerably since being here and I try to return the favour. I thought a feature in PP mag would help the forum but probably acted too fast and didn't think it through as I have more stella in my cardio vascular system than blood at the moment.

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Re: Poker Player Team Challenge yeah just caught it only to find the carriage I was booked in had been taken off :@ :@ fortunately there were plenty of seats further up. The train stopped at every bloody station on the way back though so didn't get home till one in the morning. :wall Thanks again for a great day.;)

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Re: Poker Player Team Challenge

At the end of the day, all I'm saying is we have a team of guys and girls who run PL, and between us have made the decisions that make this place what it is today.
Paul. Whatever happened to PL's original proprieter. OllieO or somesuch. He still about? Or did he sell / give the site over to you?
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