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UK Ladies championship at star city 2nd/3rd September


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Re: UK Ladies championship at star city 2nd/3rd September I have no idea if they're still in... but we will go to the casino later today. Anyway... a little story from our table... funnily enough all 3 of us were at the same table. I am sat next to this blonde Russian girl, who lives in London. Some of the other girls obviously know her... they are calling her by her first name: Diana. She keeps waving at the cameras: "come take my picture (giggle giggle)" I ask her: "are you some kind of famous?" Diana: "no" The other girls go: "yeeeees you are Diana" Diana says: "Well, I am not, my husband is. He won the UK open last year" (think she said that :unsure ) I say: "what's his name?" Diana: "Jackarama" I say: "Don't know him... what's his surname? Diana: "Arama" :loon I go: "erm... I see :unsure " :lol :lol :lol fcukin'ell.... thought that was some kind of "stagename" :lol :lol :lol

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Re: UK Ladies championship at star city 2nd/3rd September Just back,another good night but no real success, I'll let Lou add the details in a bit but first a few photos: PL Ladies ( Donna,Pene,Lou) p1000014nq8.jpg Pene, Lou, and "The Rock" p1000015uo5.jpg Some guy finishes third. in a side game ... p1000017fu7.jpg

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Re: UK Ladies championship at star city 2nd/3rd September just arrived home :sad i went out in 63rd place after aprox 7 hours of play. was short stacked for a good hour, managed to keep the blinds a couple of times before going out on j10 against k2. was well away from the payouts but really enjoyed the tournament. i was a little down hearted as i had very few playable cards all night and if i limped in with medium hands over cards, flushes and straights seemed to hit. donna1 had the best pl finish at 49th. she also ended up a short stack after 7+ hours of play and moved all in with kj and bumped into aa. the standard of poker seemed pretty good but i was on the same table all night with the same 10 people so i cant comment on the other tables. the casino management let down the tournament, a lot of the dealers were inexperienced, turning over cards and not noticing that there were still players in the hand waiting to check/call/raise. not counting chips after an all-in , just presuming that the winner of the hand had more chips. one dealer even pointed out there was a pair on the board when there were still players in the hand. a lot of time was wasted when staff were getting rid of the smaller chips, some tables were still playing , other tables were sat waiting for a good 5 mins while the dealers were counting up then waiting for some one to bring in the bigger chips, this in my view should have been done on a break or the clock should have been stopped. all in all we had a great weekend and enjoyed being in the tourney. if it going to be an annual tourney then i would definatley like to play again and hopefully the things that let the event down will be sorted.

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Re: UK Ladies championship at star city 2nd/3rd September well back from a fab weekend, even though i was out at 49th place. had a wicked time with lou and pene, even though we all started on the same table,felt bad calling you pene but when your low stacked you have to go for it on the best cards you get (sorry), had a good 7 1/2 hours playing a good game of poker, but like lou says dealers were a bit inexpeirienced for that type of event, all in all a good time was had by all and i cant wait to do it again:nana :nana :nana

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Re: UK Ladies championship at star city 2nd/3rd September

good to hear that donna. Did u miss me when u got back to your hotel?lol ;) :spank
oh yes karl, but bed was tiny anyway lol, wouldnt have been much room, would have had to cuddle up ha ha:lol :lol :lol
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Re: UK Ladies championship at star city 2nd/3rd September

felt bad calling you pene but when your low stacked you have to go for it on the best cards you get (sorry)
That's the game, Girlie ;) ... my chips are as good as anybody elses... (or even better :loon :tongue2 ) ... there's always next time... :nana
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