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poker player shootout 21/7


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Re: poker player shootout 21/7 JJ twice -first beat by KQ after a rag flop - and he called me - Q on river. Then JJ v AJ all in - lost again. I've played in 3 tournaments on Spin Place and lost all my showdowns - ahead in every one !!! Not my favourite site :wall Oh well, just registered for the $2000 added - luck has got to change.

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Re: poker player shootout 21/7 Well didn't quite make it was 2nd, but happy as anything 'cos it's the first STT have played for ages where I've managed anything decent. Was incredibly short at one point too - captainconc sitting in seat 3 with $1645.00 [Dealer] - ronay sitting in seat 6 with $432.50 - kyle9316 sitting in seat 7 with $2625.00 - kvnstv sitting in seat 8 with $7072.50 Even got back to a chip lead at one point on heads up. (and duly lost it again!!) Final hand was gutting tho'.. flopped nut straight, he bets 900, I go all-in with my remaining 4k - he calls with his flush draw (not a strong one either but I guess we were both getting tired) and gets both turn & river with clubs :cry Oh I forgot mustn't be sad - happy with play :D

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Re: poker player shootout 21/7

......and the best bit is its not possible to bubble $50 at least and a mention in Poker Player Fame at last makes up for that poxy chipset last night do you get to be on the telly too ?
Uuuuh, goes towards the wedding.... :loon Well done all for making it :clap :clap :clap ... especially you Paul ;)
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