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Just not my day


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Hand #372667933 at table: STT $5 NL Started: Thu Jul 20 21:29:57 2006 lajeba is at seat 1 with 5390.00 bady76 is at seat 7 with 2460.00 PL_Gal is at seat 8 with 3060.00 Mr,Gold is at seat 10 with 3190.00 PL_Gal posts the large blind 600.00 bady76 posts the small blind 300.00 bady76: --, -- PL_Gal: Ks, Ac Mr,Gold: --, -- lajeba: --, -- Pre-flop: Mr,Gold: Fold lajeba: Raise 1200.00 bady76: Fold PL_Gal: Call 1200.00 Flop (Board: Kh, As, Kd): PL_Gal: Check lajeba: Check Turn (Board: Kh, As, Kd, 9h): PL_Gal: Check lajeba: Bet 600.00 PL_Gal: Raise 1800.00 lajeba: All in PL_Gal: All in Showdown: lajeba shows: Ah, Ad (full house) PL_Gal shows: Ks, Ac (full house) River (Board: Kh, As, Kd, 9h, 2h): Mainpot: lajeba wins the pot of 7620 with full house :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall He cracked my KK with AA in an earlier hand :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall and I bubbled

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