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poker bloggers


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well you get a good laugh reading some of them.. what do y'all think of this blogger's opinions? (not meaning to single mr thecloud out here)

Etiquette Negative If you are holding the nuts - and a player goes all-in in front of you, do you : a) Call b) Fold c) Use up all of your clock - then let your time bank count down to one second - and then call. [url=http://www.blogger.com/email-post.g?blogID=29259036&postID=115289121443259921]
I do A, or C.. (or D, which isn't listed- Reraise ALL in) poker is smoke and mirrors after all.. What would you do???? According to cloud :
If your answer is a) - that is the correct answer. If b), go read some other blog. If c) - you are an annoying little, sad little, weasly little squeak. You have no manners, no class, no understanding of what the game is about - and you don't deserve to be sat at a table with me, or every poker player I have ever played against. Poker has a certain etiquette, and you clearly do not.
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Re: poker bloggers Someone is reading my blog:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap And incidentally - in that example the player was already all-in - so if you've got the nuts - smoke and mirror stuff doesn't really help much, the pot is already won. It was done just to annoy the other player.

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Re: poker bloggers I also enjoy cloud's blog. In this situation though.. If there were people behind me, I'd take a long time thinking about it, then call. With the nuts, you want more people to come in. But I know what you mean, I'm not a fan of slowrolling either. It gives you false hope, only to have your hopes crushed.

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