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Gutshot extended & New Ladbrokes in da smoke


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For the information of the lounge, was down in Gutshot (London) the other day and instead of waiting for their impending court case to see whether they are to be shut, the owners have bought the bar next door and extended into it... All tournaments will now be held in the new venue with cash games in the 'old' basement. On their new brand schpeel (which looks worse IMHO) they claim to be the 'Busiest Poker room in Europe'! Whilst I was (scraping along) in the £20 freezeout they were tannoying for the people who'd signed up for a £25/£50 cash game... Unique facilities include a cash office that is infact an industrial kitchen... Also in other news... Ladbrokes are apparently proud to announce the impending opening of the 'Ladbrokes Casino and Sports Bar'. Located in the Paddington Hilton (or near by), free memberships are available...(although I doubt you'd have to pay anyway).

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Re: Gutshot extended & New Ladbrokes in da smoke :welcome evileyes I am assuming its the same evileyes I played poker with very late at night in a sangria drenched bedroom in Ibiza. if so glad you found us :clap:clap and watch out for the fish

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Re: Gutshot extended & New Ladbrokes in da smoke It is I :D Gutshots new branding can be seen on their website http://www.gutshot.com. Details of live tournaments (usually 2 a day) can be seen by going into the 'card club' bit of the website. If you are hanging in London one afternoon maybe worth a look as they have started doing 2pm tournies on some weekdays, i can see the number of dentist appointments surging. There is also usually a cash game going, never played that tho'. It is legally a private members bar so you'll have to bring some ID to join, but it's free and usually painless. The food looks OK too, but I think that they have put the beer prices up to pay for the extension.:cry

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