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Am i paranoid?

Speckled Jim

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Re: Am i paranoid?

Was playing cash tables on sporting odds last night (fleecing stupid hungarians) and for two hours every hand (except about a dozen!) the board paired up or two paired. I saw quads five times in these two hours! Am i paranoidn or are sporting odds trying a fast one?
Personally I think paranoid jim, but, yi never know :unsure
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Re: Am i paranoid? Ive had days like that. Ive also seen long session of boarded "four flushes" and Ive had SNG tournements where practically every pocket pair I was dealt flopped a set inspits of the 7/1-8/1 odds against me per pair. Its like the old addage when playing chance games. Just because the last 20 spins of the roulette wheel have been red, the probability of the next spin being black is still approx 50/50. Whilst it is statistically improbable that you will see more than one or two quads hands dealt in relatively quick succession, it is by no means impossible. Just chalk it up to a statisical anomaly and continue safe in the knowledge that poker rooms make such ridiculous ammounts of money from the rake they have no need to "fix" their games. That said - I saw an advert for a "free" poker room (i.e no rake). How are they making money then? Id stay clear of a place like that and just stick to famous brands. Oh and steer clear of TruePoker.com. As bent as a nine bob note!

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Re: Am i paranoid? I played for several hours the other evening. Can't remember which site, sorry. And I noticed nothing remarkable at all about the cards! With all the remarkable things that could have happened (unusually many quads, full houses, flushes, paired boards, suited flops, bad beats, etc., etc.), surely something unusual should have happened? Do you think that maybe they fix the cards so that nobody will complain about them being fixed?

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Re: Am i paranoid?

I played for several hours the other evening. Can't remember which site, sorry. And I noticed nothing remarkable at all about the cards! With all the remarkable things that could have happened (unusually many quads, full houses, flushes, paired boards, suited flops, bad beats, etc., etc.), surely something unusual should have happened? Do you think that maybe they fix the cards so that nobody will complain about them being fixed?
I think a different group would be the ones complaining;)
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Re: Am i paranoid? My point was that it seemed very strange. I know that it is possible if not very improbable. That said, it appeared as if s oddds were trying to get some extra rake by enticing more bets per hand by putting straight, flushes and full house draws out there . (maybe i need to see a head doctor or get more sleep??)

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Re: Am i paranoid? I've noticed the same thing. This is my take on the situation, or how I rationalise it. The poker site us RNG's (Random Number Generators) to simulate the poker game. Even with totally random occurrences it is possible to find or see a pattern at times. Maybe some one cleverer than I can give this some thought, but I assume that we look for logic in randomness (or chaos) because we are programmed(?) from an early age to be logical, or to seek order. However, I also believe that some RNG's are not as good as they should be given the amount of money that changes hands on their (the RNG's) activity. Boss Media is one such network where I believe this is true. Therefore rather than complain about seeing a lot of flushes, I try and observe what seems to be 'hot' - sometimes it is flushes, sometimes straights, or low pairs tripping on the flop. If I observe that, for example there seems to be a lot of flushes I will adjust my game slightly and try and take advantage of that by playing more suited hole cards than I would normally. This doesn't mean that my normal opinion is different to whats already been posted, it just means that by using what I've said as a consideration I may have an edge over my opponents.

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Re: Am i paranoid?

I've noticed the same thing. This is my take on the situation, or how I rationalise it. The poker site us RNG's (Random Number Generators) to simulate the poker game. Even with totally random occurrences it is possible to find or see a pattern at times. Maybe some one cleverer than I can give this some thought, but I assume that we look for logic in randomness (or chaos) because we are programmed(?) from an early age to be logical, or to seek order. However, I also believe that some RNG's are not as good as they should be given the amount of money that changes hands on their (the RNG's) activity. Boss Media is one such network where I believe this is true. Therefore rather than complain about seeing a lot of flushes, I try and observe what seems to be 'hot' - sometimes it is flushes, sometimes straights, or low pairs tripping on the flop. If I observe that, for example there seems to be a lot of flushes I will adjust my game slightly and try and take advantage of that by playing more suited hole cards than I would normally. This doesn't mean that my normal opinion is different to whats already been posted, it just means that by using what I've said as a consideration I may have an edge over my opponents.
Crafty but i like it :D Gonna have to try that out
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Re: Am i paranoid? If you look at an historical sequence of random numbers (or cards) you will usually think you can perceive a pattern in it. However this does not mean the cards are not random, as when you project the pattern into the future, it wont hold up any more than random variation dictates it will!!! If you are unable to predict the next card with a greater degree of success than you should (i.e. a 1 in 47 chance of predicting the exact turn card), then the cards are random!!!! I sincerely believe that the RNG's of the main sites (Boss included) is random enough that there is no way you can read patterns in the cards from casual observation.........

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Re: Am i paranoid?

The poker site us RNG's (Random Number Generators) to simulate the poker game. Even with totally random occurrences it is possible to find or see a pattern at times. Maybe some one cleverer than I can give this some thought, but I assume that we look for logic in randomness (or chaos) because we are programmed(?) from an early age to be logical, or to seek order.
That's exactly right. Human beings look for patterns, and often find them when they're not there. I remember reading about an experiment where people were shown several sequences of heads and tails and asked to say which ones they thought were randomly produced. Most of them chose the ones that had been designed to have fewer obvious "patterns" than usual.
However, I also believe that some RNG's are not as good as they should b e given the amount of money that changes hands on their (the RNG's) activity. Boss Media is one such network where I believe this is true. Therefore rather than complain about seeing a lot of flushes, I try and observe what seems to be 'hot' - sometimes it is flushes, sometimes straights, or low pairs tripping on the flop.
It may be that some sites are using RNG's that aren't as good as they should be. I don't know. But it seems extremely unlikely that a flaw in the RNG would show up as something like too many straights, flushes, trips, etc. Countless times I've seen somebody saying something like "Hmm, I noticed there were far more paired flops than you'd expect", but what I've never seen is somebody saying "Hmm, I noticed there were far more paired flops than you'd expect,so I decided to do a controlled experiment keeping careful records, to see if there were a statistically significant number of paired flops."
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Re: Am i paranoid?

I played for several hours the other evening. Can't remember which site, sorry. And I noticed nothing remarkable at all about the cards! With all the remarkable things that could have happened (unusually many quads, full houses, flushes, paired boards, suited flops, bad beats, etc., etc.), surely something unusual should have happened? Do you think that maybe they fix the cards so that nobody will complain about them being fixed?
Lol very good. :D
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Re: Am i paranoid?

I played for several hours the other evening. Can't remember which site, sorry. And I noticed nothing remarkable at all about the cards! With all the remarkable things that could have happened (unusually many quads, full houses, flushes, paired boards, suited flops, bad beats, etc., etc.), surely something unusual should have happened? Do you think that maybe they fix the cards so that nobody will complain about them being fixed?
:loon :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :ok
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Re: Am i paranoid?

That said - I saw an advert for a "free" poker room (i.e no rake). How are they making money then? Id stay clear of a place like that and just stick to famous brands.
it is a famous brand, which is why they can afford to have no rake on their poker room. its World Sports Exchange (WSEX)'s poker site, world poker exchange. every month all your rake is paid back to you. very useful for high rakers.
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Re: Am i paranoid?

If you look at an historical sequence of random numbers (or cards) you will usually think you can perceive a pattern in it. However this does not mean the cards are not random, as when you project the pattern into the future, it wont hold up any more than random variation dictates it will!!! If you are unable to predict the next card with a greater degree of success than you should (i.e. a 1 in 47 chance of predicting the exact turn card), then the cards are random!!!! I sincerely believe that the RNG's of the main sites (Boss included) is random enough that there is no way you can read patterns in the cards from casual observation.........
:clap very well put gaf, I'm with you :clap :cheers
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Re: Am i paranoid?

If I observe that, for example there seems to be a lot of flushes I will adjust my game slightly and try and take advantage of that by playing more suited hole cards than I would normally.
Interesting theory Mr V. I sometimes find myself doing the opposite, based on the rationale that because there have been numerous flushes recently, the law of averages says it is less likely there will be more in the next few hands.
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Re: Am i paranoid?

Interesting theory Mr V. I sometimes find myself doing the opposite' date=' based on the rationale that because there have been numerous flushes recently, the law of averages says it is less likely there will be more in the next few hands.[/quote'] And me, I take the middle road ...
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Re: Am i paranoid?

I played for several hours the other evening. Can't remember which site, sorry. And I noticed nothing remarkable at all about the cards! With all the remarkable things that could have happened (unusually many quads, full houses, flushes, paired boards, suited flops, bad beats, etc., etc.), surely something unusual should have happened? Do you think that maybe they fix the cards so that nobody will complain about them being fixed?
:rollin :rollin :rollin You are so fcukin funny :rollin :rollin :rollin
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Re: Am i paranoid? Unfortunately, thats why the argument I make will always be bogged down. My comment isn't made as a losing player, despite the negative slant being taken. All I am saying is that sometimes RNG's go through periods where, even though it isn't totally predictable, it appears less random. To the point where it may become beneficial to chuck a blind in the pot when you have Ace rag suited, or K 5 suited, basically to hit the flush. Even though when I don't notice this happening these hands are straight in the muck.

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Re: Am i paranoid?

Unfortunately, thats why the argument I make will always be bogged down. My comment isn't made as a losing player, despite the negative slant being taken.
I wasn't commenting on your post... because I didn't read it :$ :$ :$ My head is bad today... for long decent posts :lol :lol :lol
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Re: Am i paranoid?

If you look at an historical sequence of random numbers (or cards) you will usually think you can perceive a pattern in it. However this does not mean the cards are not random, as when you project the pattern into the future, it wont hold up any more than random variation dictates it will!!! If you are unable to predict the next card with a greater degree of success than you should (i.e. a 1 in 47 chance of predicting the exact turn card), then the cards are random!!!! I sincerely believe that the RNG's of the main sites (Boss included) is random enough that there is no way you can read patterns in the cards from casual observation.........
Have you read this article from the early days of online poker? http://www.developer.com/java/other/article.php/10936_616221_1 A group of mathematicians cracked the RNG and, once they had seen their pocket cards and the flop, could work out in real time the turn, river and everyone elses hole cards:eek Hopefully things have moved on considerably.
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