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Advice needed.....


Advice needed.....  

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    • Cash?
    • Gifts and subs?
    • both
    • nowt ur a greedy fcker for asking!

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I have just given Poker Player mag an interview along with a few photos for them to use in next months mag (thats superstar status slick :lol ) and i want some advice from the PL crew.... The interview was for Poker Player Magazine, and it was all about the Ibiza weekend, how i qualified, how we got there, the details of the weekend, what happened, what did i think was the best parts etc, and they want to use some of the pics i took too....I never asked for anything for the interview/pics and had to after event by sending an email asking if there was anything in it for me..... im adding a poll to this to see what i should be asking for or if im just being greedy...anyone with experience in this kind of thing, your input would be appreciated.......

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Re: Advice needed..... Finally got in the mag Morls? I'll be on two issues soon.:ok I would say you should be getting at least £200 per photo plus a credit and a copyright statement. Hope you haven't signed anything yet. Having seen you drink:beer when PR is picking up the bill I'd have to say you're a greedy fecker as well though.:lol

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Re: Advice needed.....

Finally got in the mag Morls? I'll be on two issues soon.:ok I would say you should be getting at least £200 per photo plus a credit and a copyright statement. Hope you haven't signed anything yet. Having seen you drink:beer when PR is picking up the bill I'd have to say you're a greedy fecker as well though.:lol
Nope i aint signed nowt yet mate, did the interview over the phone and the pics were sent down today:cheers
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Re: Advice needed..... I suspect the photos could have some of them models on, I bet they wouldn`t be too happy if they knew 1) they were getting their pics in a mag without permission, and 2) they weren`t getting paid for it. That`s what they`re in the game for surely, the money plain and simple. I doubt very much that they we`re getting their thrupennies out purely for the love of it. Morl, I`m really not sure of the legalities of it, it was just a potential issue that immediately sprung to mind when you asked.

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Re: Advice needed.....

all ive done is sent an email askin if there would be anything in it for me......anythings better than nothing
thats fair enough mate :ok and no doubt if you leave it at that you'll get something out of it, but if you push it to much all this legal crap may start hitting the fans like andy said
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Re: Advice needed.....

well you did send us the wrong direction in london so i think you deserve nada.:spank:spank:spank:spank:tongue2:tongue2:tongue2:tongue2:tongue2:tongue2
dude your irish......i thought if i sent ya the wrong way, u would go the right way....isnt that how it works over there? lmao and uber......the girls were all paid to go there for that very reason.....as much publicity as possible....so yeah, no probs there, ive spoken to 2 today and they would be over the moon if they made a magazine!
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Re: Advice needed.....

and uber......the girls were all paid to go there for that very reason.....as much publicity as possible....
Well, tell them they can post all the pics they like here - we have over 10,000 members - that's plenty of publicity :loon :loon
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