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Omaha Hi-Lo


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After the Betfred PL Omaha Hi-Lo game I thought I'd have a go at a couple of sit and go's. Both times I have finished 2nd in 10 seater Stt's. From what I have seen so far - the luck factor doesn't seem as prominent as in hold-em, and the better players will have a higher winning percentage. Is that a fair assessment? - or I have played in too few games?

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Re: Omaha Hi-Lo your quite correct omaha hi-lo is a bit of a specialist game quite often holdem players wallow at this game most common mistake is forgetting they have to use 2 cards from hand you are dealt 4 cards and you need all 4 working for you ie A-2-K-3, This hand covers the lowend and the possibility of high hand also avoid hands like K-J-10-2 you only have 3 cards working for the top end its vitally important that all 4 cards work together misconception made by many players also is raising with A23 or A2 preflop what for ????????you want people in not to slim the field, a tip i was told by a tournement player whom i have the greatest respect for is never raise preflop because its impossible to bluff preflop at hi-lo someone will always be playing for high someone will always play for low it is a flop game and knowing the nuts at any given moment is vitally important also drawing to 2nd nuts can be very expensive

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Re: Omaha Hi-Lo Thanks Highlander. The main area where I am a little confused is pre-flop. It's not as clear what a good/great hand is - and therefore my betting is a bit haphazard at this stage. And you're right about it being a post-flop game - more betting takes place post-flop than in hold-em - but so far I seem to be doing OK post flop. It's not a game I would play if I've got a spare hour - but if I had an evening to spare (without wife and kids) I'd definately give it a more serious go. A very interesting game.

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Re: Omaha Hi-Lo Avoid middle cards like the plague the are poison your pretty much always going to split with low and your hand is always vulnerable to higher nuts, The so called good hands ie AA23,A234,A23K,A23Q These are just some examples they play well if going for low a word of caution tho you can play for low and hit the nuts and someone else has same hand too so never raise with just nut low only raise nut low if you have chance of winning high also ie trips/two pair / straight/full house along with nut low if heads up top pair is often good with nut low for you to take 3/4 of the pot and never watch me play hi-lo lol i'm a maniac sometimes

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Re: Omaha Hi-Lo Look forward to meeting you next week swampster :ok as a LPM member Im playing for Team Filth .. weve got named shirts so you'll be able to spot me a mile off. Ive got a great book on Omaha8 which I will post the details of to nite. slaters filth jockeys... if u like OH8 (which I do a lot!) try 7 card stud HiLO. Another great game, the benefit of OH8 to your HoldEm game is that you learn to look for the nuts when your holding a strong hand thereby easing a good fold than a bad call. In OH8 if youve got the 2nd nuts there always someone who has got THE NUTS (well notalways but a damn good chance) Last comment ... Tod Brunson 2005 WSOP Omaha 8 Champion need I say more

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Re: Omaha Hi-Lo ah...cool , looking forward it , (not the Omaha bit of course) - hopefully will try and get our team captain to take over, even though he's going through a superb Hold Em patch at the moment. the 4 cards in your hand bit I get, but its the hi-lo bit i need reminding about

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Re: Omaha Hi-Lo Hi, Ive also had a few go's at this since getting fed up about bad beats the other night, played 5 low limit 10 player SNGs sofar and finished 1,2,3,4,5 - staked $15 and won $30 so in profit. Went out yesterday to buy a book to learn some more, the only one I could find was "How to win at Omaha High - Low Poker" by Mike Capelletti, seems fairly straight forward enough although only a few pages in sofar. seems an interesting game, although not sure what it would be like to play live, I might get the clock put on me as I'm trying to work out what hands I have, but on the net possible potential for winning a few bucks

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