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break from poker

devil tish

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hi all i have reached a crossroads in my short poker playing career. time has come, to step back, chill for a bit and spend some quality time with my gorgeous mrs, and 2 lovely kids. cheers for the advice, and info on freerolls/value tourneys, and pl organised leagues. i am gonna come back refreshed and ready to go, and poker trackered up to keep a more accurate log of poker expenses/best performing tourneys. the punters lounge is invaluable in providing an edge over other, less informed players. thanks all, good luck, and peace dt (ian)

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Re: break from poker Hi Ian, I can thoroughly recommend a break - took a holiday a couple of months ago and as part of it rethought some of my playing style(s) - been winning at twice the rate since I got back (and playing less/more selectively). Its important to put poker in its proper place in your life - me I was a TV couch potato until I discovered poker - now I'm a poker couch potato :rollin - mainly crap on TV anyway. When you get back ... refreshed and ready for the fray and (probably) with a better balance Punters Lounge will be waiting :ok .

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Re: break from poker Its always good idea to have a break from poker Ian. As Phil mentioned, I too came back stronger and winning more (had three weeks last time). Next week Im off to Poland for 5 weeks and I cant wait to get away from it. And that includes 2 weeks in mountains :clap.I still may catch up one here and there to play,but its not the same like 5-10 every day :eyes. Have nice break and come back when you feel like it. You wont regret it :ok.

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Re: break from poker I've been playing a lot less over the last month or so, and I've found that now when I do play I enjoy it more and (I think) I play better. I suspect that when you start playing, you can play endlessly and just getting the experience means that you rapidly improve, and that makes it enjoyable. But after a while, you hit a point where "just another game" doesn't add very much, and you will only improve if you take each game more seriously, and that's hard to sustain if you play too much.

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Re: break from poker I haven't really enjoyed playing lately, i've been playing more because I feel I have to than because I feel I want to. Not sure why, maybe because I've been winning more than i've been losing. I think last night may have cured that for a few weeks though! I felt the same the early part of the year (but was losing more than I was winning), and had a month where I played much less. Once I got back into the swing of things, I definalty enjoyed it alot more than I had been.

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