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** Congratulations to Imavillan who wins £250 in the Last Man Standing II Competition **

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Qualified for the 50k yesterday morning but went round to my m8s house to play it. As you know the WC final was on and I had a couple of beers while watching. It started at 8pm and come 12 I was still in but getting more drunk and I am convinced it caused the loose play I made to loose a large proportion of my chips!! I raised from early with Q 8!!! and followed it up with nearly a pot sized bet on flop when BB flat called and checked. Caused me to be a bit short stacked and it wasn't long until I was out in 22nd. I still won £350 but the dreams of the 12k first prize were over. I am still running it through my head as to WHY I even got involved in that hand :( .

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