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Tip of the day


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Re: Tip of the day

dont drink 8 pints of scrumpy jack
Hi Pn Don't forget you won some players in that Mansion game - never know you might end up with $100 for sleeping most of the game :rollin . You beat Gaf and MrV anyway :lol . Gaf had the pyrric victory of going out on the same hand as MrV (both had AKo and took on a low pair) but being 1 ahead in the listings. Thought that theory (cannot remember who said it) about you having a trained seeing eye dog that would wake you up when you had AA was a good one.
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Re: Tip of the day

Hi Pn Don't forget you won some players in that Mansion game - never know you might end up with $100 for sleeping most of the game :rollin . You beat Gaf and MrV anyway :lol . Gaf had the pyrric victory of going out on the same hand as MrV (both had AKo and took on a low pair) but being 1 ahead in the listings. Thought that theory (cannot remember who said it) about you having a trained seeing eye dog that would wake you up when you had AA was a good one.
It worked for me last night.... boy was I pissed but I knocked out the France host and ended up 7th. Nice win Phil, ur $220 will hopefully be boosted when France win 9 - 0 with number 7 scoring 8 of them (and the keeper banging one in just for you ;) ).
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Re: Tip of the day

Hi Pn Don't forget you won some players in that Mansion game - never know you might end up with $100 for sleeping most of the game :rollin . You beat Gaf and MrV anyway :lol . Gaf had the pyrric victory of going out on the same hand as MrV (both had AKo and took on a low pair) but being 1 ahead in the listings. Thought that theory (cannot remember who said it) about you having a trained seeing eye dog that would wake you up when you had AA was a good one.
Cheers Phil i did remember the next day but had to check what number i finished ! It was 13th, it then occured to me that 13 might not exsist ( not all teams use 13) Its was always going to be a longshot though i intended to get back from the pub to start the tourney, i was late leaving the pub and the evil kebab pied piper lured me to the local donner shop When i finally got in i was surprised to find i was stil in ( think it was about 12ish) i struggled against a malfunctioning keyboard ,with a short stack. then to cap it all after a while my eyes intermittently decieded that they needed to close for a few minutes at a time, to be honest they were glad when i went out. i now looking for some Poker spy software that dosent play for you but emits a very loud noise if you are delt a decent hand :rollin
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Re: Tip of the day

Ok must have been a good night cos dont remember starting this thread, doesnt even make sense. I am guessing I played poker when I got in on Sat night and lost money.
Buzz? What's Wakefield like for a night out lately? I haven't been out there for at least 3 or 4 years.
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Re: Tip of the day

then to cap it all after a while my eyes intermittently decieded that they needed to close for a few minutes at a time,
Have done that myself .... but normally only in freerolls or $2+0.25 MTTs round midnite ... actually its suprising how well you can do pished and semi asleep in these games..... :zzz
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