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No cheating ...


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Re: No cheating ... OK, enough answers. I thought that a pair was always a slight favourite against two overcards, but the J10s is about a 52.5% favourite. (Hope you didn't cheat, Mr. I! :spank) Found this little nugget in a book called "Phil Gordon's Little Green Book", which is as advertized: it's a little book, and it's green. Actually, I recommend it; apart from trivia like this, it has lots of observations on no-limit hold 'em, many of which I haven't seen elsewhere. Also, he really doesn't seem to like Phil Hellmuth. In a passage about making big lay-downs, he lists the considerations you should think about, including "Do my opponents respect my play?", and then describes a famous hand when he laid down pocket kings against Hellmuth's pocket aces pre-flop: "Does my opponent respect my play? Not really. Phil Hellmuth Jr. doesn't respect anyone's play other than his own. That said, he had to respect my raise, ..." Another bit of trivia from the same book: Three players all in preflop: KQs KQs 84o (the other two suits) Obviously the two KQs are equally likely to win. But what are the win probabilities of the three hands?

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Re: No cheating ...

OK, enough answers. I thought that a pair was always a slight favourite against two overcards, but the J10s is about a 52.5% favourite.
That was my understanding too - I was shocked at the answer!!!! I presume it must mean 2 unsuited overcards? I think I heard of 1 exception - 22 vs JT or something....... but I REALLY thought it applied to suited cards too. Nope - even that assumption is wrong - 22 is behind to most overcards (including unsuited!!!) I didn't cheat with my original answer - honest!!!!
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Re: No cheating ...

OK, enough answers. I thought that a pair was always a slight favourite against two overcards, but the J10s is about a 52.5% favourite. (Hope you didn't cheat, Mr. I! :spank)
No mate I just like my JT:$ :$
Three players all in preflop: KQs KQs 84o (the other two suits) Obviously the two KQs are equally likely to win. But what are the win probabilities of the three hands?
84 around 30%? Just because i think the KQ should still be a slight fav.
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Re: No cheating ... 35% not bad an educated guess then and yes it is because KQ is counterfieted by the other hand i was reading an article a few yrs back about 7-2 V AK,AQ,KQ and 7-2 won a whopping 47% not bad for worst hand in poker ,,, with regards to J-10 best hand multi way indeed it is because it makes more nut straights than any other combination

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Re: No cheating ...

Why does JT make more nut str8s than T9' date=' 98 etc? :unsure[/quote'] Cos of the "cap" on the high end? i.e. a QKA flop gives TJ the nut str8, but a JQK does not give T9 the nut str8 .......
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Re: No cheating ... any straight from 6 - A needs the 10, the 10 is the key card (actually any from a 5 gives the 10 the nut 56789 board etc) its just that 10 J gives you the nut with any straight it makes (unless the board come Q J 10 9 8 - etc) so always limp 10 J Damo

Cos of the "cap" on the high end? i.e. a QKA flop gives TJ the nut str8' date=' but a JQK does not give T9 the nut str8 .......[/quote']
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Re: No cheating ... Quote:

Originally Posted by H1ghlander with regards to J-10 best hand multi way indeed it is because it makes more nut straights than any other combination
Having "cheated" and played around on pokerstove - I'm not as convinced as some of you on the merits of JT. Sure in multiplayer pots with "substandard" hands it gets close to a decent percentage - but the minute you start to look at its percentages against reasonable hands then its not so good percentage wise. So my tack would be that JT is a good limping hand when you are on a table that is giving limpers an easy ride.
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Re: No cheating ... so do you argue with Sklansky on the merits of J-10 i do believe thats one of the hands covered in multiway pots and its merits any donk can play AA+KK and win a fair proportion of the time but multiway AA called by more than 1 person rapidly drops its odds of winning

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Re: No cheating ... spot on - its played for limp value only - I am not raising or calling raises with it - its shite unless u hit the nuts when it hits its a monster hand, specially if it the nut high straight, simply because you are playing against 3 other draw/top pair/2 pr hands that you get paid off in a multiway pot Damo

Originally Posted by H1ghlander with regards to J-10 best hand multi way indeed it is because it makes more nut straights than any other combination
Having "cheated" and played around on pokerstove - I'm not as convinced as some of you on the merits of JT. Sure in multiplayer pots with "substandard" hands it gets close to a decent percentage - but the minute you start to look at its percentages against reasonable hands then its not so good percentage wise. So my tack would be that JT is a good limping hand when you are on a table that is giving limpers an easy ride.
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