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What's been happening while I have been away ?


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Lads "n" Lasses, Have I missed anything major in the last couple of months while I have been away from PL ? Anyone won big money ? Anyone qualified for the WSOP ? Unfortunately, due my Dad having a stroke on May 5th, and then being diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (Heart and Lung Disease) and then Cancer, I have spent too much time in bloody hospitals, and pretty much zero time on Poker... Oh, and I am still jobless, despite making 264 applications to date... I will try and play a bit from now on, to take my mind off other things...Mostly freerolls, but it will get me back into the swing of things... Cheers, Jeff Oh, and if I may take this opportunity, I hope the smokers amongst you give SERIOUS thought to quitting : Would you take £5 out of a cashpoint every day, and set fire to it ? A mate of mine reckons that in the last 8 years, he has spent around £20,000 on Cigarettes ! £20,000 ! Think of how many Poker tourneys you could buy into with that ! :loon OK, pontification over ;)

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Re: What's been happening while I have been away ?

Would you take £5 out of a cashpoint every day, and set fire to it ?
Misread this and hadn;t seen it was about smoking - thought it was about some peoples poker results :rollin and the one thing we winners here on Punters Lounge don't want to do is discourage people from losing at poker - long may they survive and enjoy the experience whilst still losing an affordable amount :clap :clap As a non-smoker I totally agree on the smoking front - mind you similar sentiments exist with every other hobby (or addiction) - even wine,women and song.....
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Re: What's been happening while I have been away ? Sorry to hear about your bad news Jeffster :sad Agree with your thoughts on smoking, however not sure the message will really get through to smokers who haven't managed to get the message yet anyway....... Big Money winners - does over $16,000 count for Tax Monkey? (won the seat through a PL league :) ) WSOP - 5 PL'rs qualified - 3 in the Main Event - http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30923 Plenty of other wins too :) But I'll let you catch up on them. A lot of PL'rs in Ibiza at the moment with Goalpoker if it seems quiet.....

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Re: What's been happening while I have been away ?

Big Money winners - does over $16,000 count for Tax Monkey? (won the seat through a PL league :) )
Slight correction GaF? it was $14,300 came out as £7,600 and a big hangover by the time it hit my bank. Jeffers very sorry to hear your news, not sure what to say but my best wishes to you and your Dad.
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Re: What's been happening while I have been away ? All the best with your Dad Jeffster :ok Paul and Pene got engaged, which you may not know about.. By the way Ali and Tax Monkey - its not Jeffers posting, so im sure Jeffsters leg is fine :lol

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Re: What's been happening while I have been away ? :welcome back Jeff. The big news - the REALLY big news is that Gaf forced us to play Omaha and Omaha Hi/Lo. :@ :@ :@:puke :lol Sorry to hear about your Dad mate, I sorta know what you're going through.

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Re: What's been happening while I have been away ? Thanks for the kind words, Folks, and the PM's too.... Omaha ? Oh Ma God is the expression, I think....Take it you didnt like it that much, Val ? Paul Ross and Pene got engaged, eh ? The things people do for a Danish Passport :rollin:rollin:rollin Very well done Tax Monkey, a fantastic result :clap Hope the PLers in the WSOP have an amazing time, and great results to go with it ! :clap:hope

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Re: What's been happening while I have been away ?

Paul Ross and Pene got engaged' date=' eh ? The things people do for a Danish Passport :rollin:rollin:rollin[/quote'] Hi Jeffster... Welcome back :ok Sorry about your dad :unsure ... I know how you feel, my dad is 62 and suffers from dementia... suddenly us kids became the adults and he is the child... ... fcuking hard to deal with your parents getting ill... I really feel for you... And yes... you are absolutely right about Paul Ross... I guess he ALSO thought he could come with me to Vegas :loon ... he he.... but he is too late... and we don't give passports to anyone :tongue2 Anyway... welcome back :D Pene
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Re: What's been happening while I have been away ? You Danes are a tight lot, Pene....From the TV Adverts here, it looks like you dont even like Carlsberg leaving Denmark :lol Sadly, my father passed away at 11.10 AM on Sunday 9th July. May he now be at peace...

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Re: What's been happening while I have been away ?

Sadly, my father passed away at 11.10 AM on Sunday 9th July. May he now be at peace...
:( Sorry to hear that Jeffster... :sad Though his pain is over now... And the only thing our parents ever wanted for us, their kids, is happiness... even through tough times! So I hope you will bounce back soon... and be able to be happy in time. Kind regards Pene
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