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Hodgey's STT Challenge


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Ok this will be my attempt to go from $0 to $1000 on STT's! I enjoy reading when others try these sort of things, so spurred on by staffy's thread and this wonderful spreadsheet and also cos it gives me extra incentive to do well here goes. A little background info first: As you may or may not know I started playing poker in January this year. After reading Mr V's brilliant thread, I decided to try and get myself a decent bankroll from nothing. I'm pleased to say I have managed this. For the first 4 months I was playing loads of freeroll's, and mico-limit STT's. Towards the end of this time I had upped the STT's to $2.50's and was doing ok. Then at the beginning of May I won the Interwetten Freeroll, prize being $20! However, it would only be released with player points - and I needed 80 of them (40 x $5 STT). I thought this would be an ideal time to up my STT buy in and see how I got on. (Interwetten suited me because I had once read that the standard of $5 STT's on the Interwetten/Europoker/Pokerroom network was similar to that of the 10c STT's at Blue Sq because they are both the lowest available level at their respective sites - good piece of advice that, think it was someone (just found it - Ovalman :ok ) on Philosify's thread - thanks.) And here are the results from the first 40 STT's in my quest: After 10: +$5 After 20: +$55 After 30: +$65 After 40: +$100 So, I released my $20 winnings and made $100 into the bargain. And from this wonderful spreadsheet, amongst other things, I can see that I have a ROI of 45.5% and am ITM 42.5%! iw402pt.jpg So here goes my attempt to get to $1000. At current levels I would hope to hit it around game #400, which is quite some way off. However I plan to have a go at the $10 tables once (if) my overall bankroll increases a bit so hopefully this will speed up the process, and the hourly rate (unless I get a caning!). Summary: Entry Fees $220 Prizes $320 Profit $100 :hope

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Re: Hodgey's STT Challenge Good luck Hodgey, you should do well on this site. I've spent some time on Hollywood Poker which is another of their sites and from starting with freerolls and moving on to the $5 + 50c SNG's I fairly quickly made over $200. On another of their sites PowerPlayer I was given a free $10 won my first SNG and ran it up to $185 pretty quickly.

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Re: Hodgey's STT Challenge really really well done glad to see you are progressing and winning a few!! stepping up will potentially increase your hourly rate but can have the opposite effect as well I would aim for about 80-100 buy-ins before stepping up, that way you could lose 10 or so and not affect your BR too much Keep us updated and good luck Damo

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Re: Hodgey's STT Challenge :clap:clap nice start Hodgey. Im using that spreadsheet too as I find it a brilliant tool but unfortunately my record does not look as good ( minus $28 ) mind you all that was from Poker 770 codes which I have not added in yet so Id say im up $2 :\:\ that just leaves me with 600,000 more games to reach the magic $1,000,000 at the current rate of profit per game :lol:lol

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Re: Hodgey's STT Challenge this level, so $400 - $500 and I would dabble in a few $10 games and test the water whilst still concentrating on the $5 - after 10 games on the $10 you will get a feel for the difference and see whether the extra amount of the buy-in affects your game sorry for not being clear 1st time around Damo

buyins at current level before increasing or buyins at next level before increasing?
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Re: Hodgey's STT Challenge Thanks for all your "good lucks". But I guess it was bound to happen - the first set of ten after 'going public' has bought a loss of $5. :sad So results after 50 games: Entry Fees $275 Prizes $370 Profit $95 Looks like I'll be staying at $5 for a little while longer. :lol

I would dabble in a few $10 games and test the water whilst still concentrating on the $5
I'm not sure I agree with mixing the buy-ins. When (if) I step up to $10 I will play a set of ten and see how it goes. I feel if I mix the games and say play 7 $5 and 3 $10, I could cash in the majority of the $5 but not make it in any of the $10 but still wouldn't know if it's because of the higher standard or just bad cards/bad play. At least playing a set would hopefully iron out some of the variances.
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Re: Hodgey's STT Challenge

My advise. Play $ 50 buy in at Sporting Odds. you'll start with 2000 chips... lots of muppets... play tight and you will make it into the money more often than not!! And you will make the $ 1000 in no time... Good luck :ok
Thanks for the advice! Not sure many would agree with only having 18 buy ins though!
And you will make the $ 1000 in no time...
Or go bust and waste 6 months hard work building up a bankroll! :lol
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Re: Hodgey's STT Challenge i agree with pen on that one. the $50 s.o. games are good value. stay away from the $100, there are a couple of sharks in that one. even seen tikay the odd time, so i think that is the bottom limit of what pro's will buy-in to. good luck dt

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Re: Hodgey's STT Challenge

Thanks for the advice! Not sure many would agree with only having 18 buy ins though! Or go bust and waste 6 months hard work building up a bankroll! :lol
Well, they made me loads of dollars... and it takes some start capital (risking cash flow) to build a business, right?? You don't make it big unless you're willing to risk big as well... and as Tank says above... noone loses 18 in a row... Anyway... what I am trying to say: It's good value, and people throw chips at you sometimes. You just need to play the right strategy, and you can easily do it, Hodgey... Without spending months in the $ 10 buy ins. ...another thing... having said that some muppets throw their chips at you... is that the game is "cleaner". You don't get called with crappy cards which often beat good hands, which is more likely to happen in the lower buy ins. All in all a great mixture of muppets and decent players... and if you play the right way you WILL make the money more often than not... ESPECIALLY because you start with 2000 chips. Lots of time to sit around and play tight!! Good luck
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Re: Hodgey's STT Challenge

By the way, where did the figure of 18 buy ins come from, anyway? For $50+5 STTs, 18 buy ins would be about $1000. Isn't that what you're aiming for, rather than what you have in your bankroll now?
I think he is aiming for a $ 1000 profit...!? :unsure I mean... you don't go trying to make a bankroll go from $ 0 to $ 1000...? Not without a "start capital"... :unsure
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Re: Hodgey's STT Challenge

I think he is aiming for a $ 1000 profit...!? :unsure I mean... you don't go trying to make a bankroll go from $ 0 to $ 1000...? Not without a "start capital"... :unsure
Correct. Slap - my bankroll is approx $875 at present. I was going to move up to $10 when (if) it hit $1k. The $1000 is a target I've set myself to win from purely playing STT's.
Well, they made me loads of dollars... and it takes some start capital (risking cash flow) to build a business, right?? You don't make it big unless you're willing to risk big as well... and as Tank says above... noone loses 18 in a row... Anyway... what I am trying to say: It's good value, and people throw chips at you sometimes. You just need to play the right strategy, and you can easily do it, Hodgey... Without spending months in the $ 10 buy ins. ...another thing... having said that some muppets throw their chips at you... is that the game is "cleaner". You don't get called with crappy cards which often beat good hands, which is more likely to happen in the lower buy ins. All in all a great mixture of muppets and decent players... and if you play the right way you WILL make the money more often than not... ESPECIALLY because you start with 2000 chips. Lots of time to sit around and play tight!! Good luck
Thanks, but I think for the time being I'll stay at $5 and hopefully soon get to $10. If that goes alright, then I might re-consider. But I don't want to run before I can walk. :)
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Re: Hodgey's STT Challenge please tell me that you are not one of the idiots who has been rivering me all day. lost 5 consective $10 STT's six seaters with JJ,JJ,KK,QQ and all-in when short stacked with 44.Each time out of the money Each and every time I got called by ace,rag and every fcuking time an ace flops with no help for me. Its getting totally unbearable - im getting sick of this game now... :puke:puke Trust me the muppets are as bad on $10 tables but from what i see they are getting all the breaks today!

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Re: Hodgey's STT Challenge

please tell me that you are not one of the idiots who has been rivering me all day. lost 5 consective $10 STT's six seaters with JJ,JJ,KK,QQ and all-in when short stacked with 44.Each time out of the money Each and every time I got called by ace,rag and every fcuking time an ace flops with no help for me. Its getting totally unbearable - im getting sick of this game now... :puke:puke Trust me the muppets are as bad on $10 tables but from what i see they are getting all the breaks today!
Moi? idiot? :$ Not me mate, I'm at work. And I don't play six seaters. Chin up mate, shit happens but I'm sure you'll come through it. :ok
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Re: Hodgey's STT Challenge agree with whats been said above about the short table SO games, earlier in the year whilst off work with the killer man flu, I managed to turn 3 bucks into 500 in the space of 2 days, moving up until I got to the $50 short tables, then chickened out, withdrew $300, got p*ssed up and lost the remaining $200 playing like a muppet. I learnt a couple of things there. 1) I'm not too bad a player with a snotty nose 2) I'm a terrible player when had a few too many beers

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Re: Hodgey's STT Challenge

agree with whats been said above about the short table SO games, earlier in the year whilst off work with the killer man flu, I managed to turn 3 bucks into 500 in the space of 2 days, moving up until I got to the $50 short tables, then chickened out, withdrew $300, got p*ssed up and lost the remaining $200 playing like a muppet. I learnt a couple of things there. 1) I'm not too bad a player with a snotty nose 2) I'm a terrible player when had a few too many beers
:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin i know what the problem was...... you made a withdrawal!:loon thats when the bad beats start on s.o. i know i am being paranoid and irrational, but it happens to me everytime! telling ya! just out of interest, friskyfitz...have you made a withdrawal over the weekend or what mate?:loon (the walls are closing in.....) dt
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Re: Hodgey's STT Challenge

:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin i know what the problem was...... you made a withdrawal!:loon thats when the bad beats start on s.o. i know i am being paranoid and irrational, but it happens to me everytime! telling ya! just out of interest, friskyfitz...have you made a withdrawal over the weekend or what mate?:loon (the walls are closing in.....) dt
Fakin' ell... :loon :loon We had a thread about this a few months back. Danno375 experienced it EVERY time he withdrew from SO, and so did I :wall :wall I HATE being paranoid or superstitious... and I HATE blaming the software... But THIS is strange I tell ya!!!! EVERY time I withdraw... a crazy bad run occurs!!!! Thats why I only withdraw when BR is huge... with SO!
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Hodgey's STT Challenge Another 10 played. 1 win and 4 3rds gives profit of $10. If only could have turned a couple more of those 3rds into wins. So results after 70 games: Entry Fees $385 Prizes $485 Profit $100 So my overall profit is back up to $100. I think I'm gonna be brave and have a go at the $10 games. I'm also going to deposit at Pokerroom and playing the higher buyins will clear the bonus quicker. I'll have a set of 10 and see what happens. :hope iwclt2.jpg

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Hodgey's STT Challenge Well what with one thing and another this has taken me longer than I thought it would, but there's no rush. I finally got around to depositing with Pokerroom and am now working off the $40 bonus - only got 60 days to do it so should be playing more in the near future. Anyway, I made the step up to $10 STT and IMO I think there's not a lot of difference in it. So I've played a set of 10 and gained 1 win, 1 2nd and 2 3rds for a profit of $10. Could have been better, suffered a few bad beats (never my own fault! :lol ) but I'm happy to stay at this level for the time being. Summary: Entry Fees $110 Prizes £120 Profit $10 Plus $100 from $5 STT's.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Hodgey's STT Challenge Another set of 10 complete and although it was looking a bit hairy at one stage, 2 wins in the last 3 plus 3 earlier 3rds provides a net profit of $50. :D I need to get a wriggle on if I'm gonna clear that $40 bonus, so hopefully will get time to play more games. Summary: Entry Fees $220 Prizes £280 Profit $60 Plus $100 from $5 STT's.

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