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PokerStars Game #5450112313: Tournament #27522518, $1.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (100/200) - 2006/07/04 - 06:09:40 (ET) Table '27522518 1' 9-max Seat #7 is the button Seat 1: SweTess (3705 in chips) Seat 3: chasa (2496 in chips) Seat 4: bardamu99 (12019 in chips) Seat 5: PokerBarney2 (2672 in chips) Seat 6: basil999 (2615 in chips) Seat 7: Stanny6 (2791 in chips) Seat 8: jd1272cash (4412 in chips) Seat 9: skarks86 (2235 in chips) SweTess: posts the ante 25 chasa: posts the ante 25 bardamu99: posts the ante 25 PokerBarney2: posts the ante 25 basil999: posts the ante 25 Stanny6: posts the ante 25 jd1272cash: posts the ante 25 skarks86: posts the ante 25 jd1272cash: posts small blind 100 skarks86: posts big blind 200 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PokerBarney2 [Ad Ah] SweTess: folds chasa: calls 200 bardamu99: calls 200 PokerBarney2: raises 600 to 800 basil999: folds Stanny6: folds jd1272cash: folds skarks86: calls 600 chasa: calls 600 bardamu99: folds *** FLOP *** [Qc Tc 3c] skarks86: bets 1410 and is all-in chasa: folds PokerBarney2: calls 1410 *** TURN *** [Qc Tc 3c] [2h] *** RIVER *** [Qc Tc 3c 2h] [6c] Thoughts please. Yes, pushing pre-flop was probably warranted, but I did want some action.

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Re: Aa..

*** FLOP *** [Qc Tc 3c] skarks86: bets 1410 and is all-in
Fair enough, but 3 clubs on the flop mean (for me) if I don't have the suit in my AA then I'm prepared to drop it. You could concievable be behind to Q's or 10's, and the all in shows they're scared of the flush too, or its some one with the A of clubs hoping to get lucky. Not the kind of flop I want to call an allin on. :\
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Re: Aa.. I think the pre flop actions you took were fine. 4x BB in mid position, no problem with that. However post flop is one of those situations where you have to play the player and not the cards. My play would be determined by my opinion of the player. With no information I'd probaby fold in that situation. If he had hit the nut flush he would/should not have shoved - he would want to milk both opponents for as many chips as possible. Therefore I'd put him on a draw or possible top pair hoping to win the pot without a showdown. I know it's too late but that river card (or the possibility of it) is your biggest worry. Equally that flop is perfect for an agressive player to take a risk with and shove. Based on the informtion given I'd fold it, hearing some voice in my head saying "The better players will fold top hands".

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Re: Aa..

Based on the informtion given I'd fold it, hearing some voice in my head saying "The better players will fold top hands"
Hehe, funnily enough I was thinking... BUT I've been in similar situations and thought fcuk it, I'll call, only to be up against any number of 'shite' hands. :ok
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Re: Aa.. I figured he'd been playing like a donkey, and was either betting all in with top pair or a draw. AA is one of the hardest to lay down for me, and I was getting frustrated with the poor plays that kept paying off the rubbish players.. I knew (as far as one can know) that I was ahead, and that at most he'd caught a pair. The all-in is a weak bet, designed to push people off.. so I called. I don't like folding when I know I'm winning, even if there's a strong likelhood that my opponent will draw out on me. Turns out he had KJo.. and caught the 4 card flush. Still, his 15 outs gave him a 60% shot when the money went in, so although his pre-flop call was (incredibly) questionable, his post flop play was ok. Out of position? Faced with a limper and a 4xBB raise from a tight player? KJo? HEE HAWWWW... call.

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Re: Aa.. going to disagree here, remember the previous question that Barney posted - after people limp in you need to up the raise to drive at least one of them out or they are both calling for pot odds value - after the first limper calls, limper no2 is getting massive odds for his cards (nearly 4:1, so even if he is playing 22 and he knows Barney has AA he is just about geting the right odds to call) - so a 4XBB raise encourages too much action. I would raise it at least 6BB here (maybe even 8 if that are really loose) and get one of them HU - or quite happily take the 700 chips already in play (which is 25% of Barney's original stack) - so either way I am AI against one oppo or +25% chips, so its win-win with AA The blinds and antes have a massive impact here on playing looser cards and making others pay to play against you Just my thoughts Damo

I think the pre flop actions you took were fine. 4x BB in mid position, no problem with that. quote]
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Re: Aa.. assumimg it goes to the river AA 82% - 22 18% so its about 4:1 to win its 7:1 to hit trips on the flop, not the board Damo

I should've raised more, but I didn't count on the BB calling with a mediocre hand. Since when is 4:1 enough for 22, knowing I've got AA? Chances of hitting the set are 7:1 aren't they?
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Re: Aa.. That's assuming I push and he's going to get to see all 5 for free, but yes alright, 4:1. Just had a hand where I was short stacked and so pushed from EP with 10,10. The other short stack (I had 1xBB more) calls with QJo. I asked him what he thought he was beating, and he said: "Was getting short, had to call with any two soon, like you". I tried to explain that pushing with any two and calling with any two are entirely different things, but he didn't get it. :)

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Re: Aa.. how short? and what are the blinds and seating positions? Damo

Just had a hand where I was short stacked and so pushed from EP with 10,10. The other short stack (I had 1xBB more) calls with QJo. I asked him what he thought he was beating, and he said:
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Re: Aa.. What about this? Another AA hand... How did i play it? ** Game ID 852140155 starting - 2006-07-07 11:18:12 ** Dumpy Beer [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 Fixed Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - blubber81 sitting in seat 1 with $7.73 - oobe sitting in seat 2 with $9.35 [Dealer] - CandyMan__ sitting in seat 3 with $6.51 - helenhelen sitting in seat 4 with $6.69 - zsj1984 sitting in seat 6 with $13.75 - lundaliraren sitting in seat 7 with $19.17 - lvbing79 sitting in seat 8 with $40.02 - Hajlender sitting in seat 9 with $22.01 - Skone sitting in seat 10 with $9.13 CandyMan__ posted the small blind - $0.12 helenhelen posted the big blind - $0.25 ** Dealing card to Hajlender: [Ah, As] zsj1984 folded lundaliraren folded lvbing79 folded Hajlender raised - $0.50 Skone raised - $0.75 blubber81 folded oobe raised - $1.00 CandyMan__ folded helenhelen called - $1.00 Hajlender called - $1.00 Skone called - $1.00 ** Dealing the flop: [Kc, 5c, 2c] helenhelen bet - $0.25 Hajlender raised - $0.50 Skone called - $0.50 oobe called - $0.50 helenhelen called - $0.50 ** Dealing the turn: [6d] helenhelen bet - $0.50 Hajlender called - $0.50 Skone called - $0.50 oobe called - $0.50 ** Dealing the river: [5h] helenhelen bet - $0.50 Hajlender called - $0.50 Skone folded oobe raised - $1.00 helenhelen raised - $1.50 Hajlender raised - $2.00 oobe called - $2.00 helenhelen called - $2.00 Hajlender shows: [Ah, As] oobe mucks: helenhelen shows: [6s, 6c] helenhelen wins $13.82 from the main pot End of game 852140155

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Re: Aa.. cash game? in NL I would shove PF, if it had been raise/reraise as this is FL - don't 4 bet on the end as you have flush possis and a K and a pair on the board either of which might mean a FH given the PF play (but then again I don't play FL) Damo

What about this? Another AA hand... How did i play it? ** Game ID 852140155 starting - 2006-07-07 11:18:12 ** Dumpy Beer [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 Fixed Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - blubber81 sitting in seat 1 with $7.73 - oobe sitting in seat 2 with $9.35 [Dealer] - CandyMan__ sitting in seat 3 with $6.51 - helenhelen sitting in seat 4 with $6.69 - zsj1984 sitting in seat 6 with $13.75 - lundaliraren sitting in seat 7 with $19.17 - lvbing79 sitting in seat 8 with $40.02 - Hajlender sitting in seat 9 with $22.01 - Skone sitting in seat 10 with $9.13 CandyMan__ posted the small blind - $0.12 helenhelen posted the big blind - $0.25 ** Dealing card to Hajlender: [Ah, As] zsj1984 folded lundaliraren folded lvbing79 folded Hajlender raised - $0.50 Skone raised - $0.75 blubber81 folded oobe raised - $1.00 CandyMan__ folded helenhelen called - $1.00 Hajlender called - $1.00 Skone called - $1.00 ** Dealing the flop: [Kc, 5c, 2c] helenhelen bet - $0.25 Hajlender raised - $0.50 Skone called - $0.50 oobe called - $0.50 helenhelen called - $0.50 ** Dealing the turn: [6d] helenhelen bet - $0.50 Hajlender called - $0.50 Skone called - $0.50 oobe called - $0.50 ** Dealing the river: [5h] helenhelen bet - $0.50 Hajlender called - $0.50 Skone folded oobe raised - $1.00 helenhelen raised - $1.50 Hajlender raised - $2.00 oobe called - $2.00 helenhelen called - $2.00 Hajlender shows: [Ah, As] oobe mucks: helenhelen shows: [6s, 6c] helenhelen wins $13.82 from the main pot End of game 852140155
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