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Bolton Poker 6 For Slickmick


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Table B6 1 Neil Fox 2 Michael Johansson 3 Jason Oliver 4 Michael Iiderton 5 Lawrence Gosney 6 Tony Cartwright __________________________________________________ ____ Michael Iiderton takes out Lawrence Gosney __________________________________________________ ____ Michael Iiderton take out Neil Fox Neil 66 Michael A 3 Hits an ace on board __________________________________________________ ____ Michael Johansson goes all in with 22 called by Michael Iiderton with Q J Flop 9 10 6 Turn 3 River 8 another heads up __________________________________________________ _____ Michael Iiderton another winner QQ against A 9 with no help on board __________________________________________________ _____ Table 3 seat 1.....Michael Liderton seat 2....Luke Smith seat 3....Steve Read seat 4.....Richard Sudworth seat 5......Mark Emberson and we have lost another...Mike Iiderton moves all-in after losing 15 k in the previous hand and is called by both Luke Smith and Steve Read....Steve wins the pot showing A J off and Mike throws his cards in the Muck...we are now down to 12 players. Just a bit of a write up for ya mick! Very well done again:clap ....and was Neil Fox...the DR Fox off the telly/radio?

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Re: Bolton Poker 6 For Slickmick Cheers Morls, not the Dr Fox, but a semi pro who's off to the wsop soon, Lawrence Gosney may be a familiar name to some, a pro with two wsop bracelets. He absolutely ruled the table for the first four levels, then I started hitting cards and he was gone shortly afterwards muttering something about 'bloody internet amateurs'. Seats 1,5 and 6 had all bought in for £1000, seat 2 won a live satellite for £100 and seat 3 won an online satellite for $10.

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Re: Bolton Poker 6 For Slickmick gave the 300 a miss was playing the main event. Did not fancy going deep in the 300 and potentially play for 3 days ask anyone next time your at owlerton if Andy page is in or eccy road think i am going to be there tomorrow evening doubt i can play comp dont think i can get back from birmingham in time i will probably have a littlewoods shirt on tho

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