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would you do this?


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Re: would you do this? sits on fence and says depends, eg. 1. Type of MTT Virgin V-Points Freeroll - Yes (lots of players to get through, cost me nothing to play) Sporting Odds Champions League - No (fewer players, have paid to play) 2. Position - last to act, no callers, probably yes. 3. Do I know the player making the raise ? (Pene No, Jaded Yes !) 4. Could even depend on how my day has been going ! :ok

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Re: would you do this? ok cheers runa well i called flop came AJ10 he raised i went all in and won with 2 pair then got 10 mins of abuse I have to say i probably normally wouldnt but took a gamble it paid off if i didnt flop it wouldve let it go...plus he didnt have to call my allin it was $10 mtt yes a loose call but thats poker right????

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Re: would you do this? For me it would also depend on all of the above, but in most cases I'd fold,in the past I've found I don't hit straights or flushes enough to merit those chips to look. I would sit tight and wait for a better hand.

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Re: would you do this?

ok cheers runa well i called flop came AJ10 he raised i went all in and won with 2 pair then got 10 mins of abuse I have to say i probably normally wouldnt but took a gamble it paid off if i didnt flop it wouldve let it go...plus he didnt have to call my allin it was $10 mtt yes a loose call but thats poker right????
10 J suited is an acceptable starting hand, and whatever decision you make you are entitled to make it without having to face abuse for it. How big was the kicker with his Ace ? or was he holding a pair which didn't hit ?
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Re: would you do this? well top3 paid as only 19 people to start with i ended up 6th :( after i reraised all in with kk preflop he called AQ and hit straight then was short stacked had to make a move with A10 ran into AK thats poker i spose :(

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Re: would you do this? You're calling a 4xBB raise out of position with a hand that's easily dominated. What if he's got AJ? A10? KQ? All are well within the range of a raiser in later position that you. Would you have called if it wasn't suited? Most of the time you'll miss, and you don't really have any room to bluff. Plus, this early, is it worth risking those chips on a marginal hand? I think you got lucky.. it's not a play I'd recommend doing regularly. Personally, I'd probably fold the J10 in the first place, then you don't have the decision to make. Still.. nh :)

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Re: would you do this? I concur entirely KQ perhaps? Trips? what if the flop comes AQJ - then what? you calling for a gutshot and bottom pair? or better yet A 10 4 with the A and 4 being your suit - great ain't it when he shoves that flop Just bin it and don't bust out 1st hand Just my thoughts Damo

You're calling a 4xBB raise out of position with a hand that's easily dominated. What if he's got AJ? A10? KQ? All are well within the range of a raiser in later position that you. Would you have called if it wasn't suited? Most of the time you'll miss, and you don't really have any room to bluff. Plus, this early, is it worth risking those chips on a marginal hand? I think you got lucky.. it's not a play I'd recommend doing regularly. Personally, I'd probably fold the J10 in the first place, then you don't have the decision to make. Still.. nh :)
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