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Ever Pressed The Wrong Button?


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In last nights Mansion WC Triple Chance;

DEALER: Your hole cards are 6 heart 5club DEALER: Ace and King, it's your turn DEALER: The flop is 2diamond 3heart 2heart DEALER: Valiant23pl, it's your turn (Here I click all in! :wall) Riffmish: sorry Valiant23pl: oh shit DEALER: Riffmish, it's your turn DEALER: The turn is 6spade Valiant23pl: wrong button DEALER: The river is 6diamond DEALER: Riffmish shows Aclub 2club DEALER: Sherman shows Jheart 8heart DEALER: Valiant23pl shows 6heart 5club DEALER: Valiant23pl wins 2,784 with a full house, sixes full of deuces Valiant23pl: I swear DEALER: Valiant23pl wins 22,660 with a full house, sixes full of deuces philossify: nice catch MrV ............................ Riffmish: expletive Valiant23pl: Riff I'm sorry philossify: no yer not :-) Valiant23pl: well okay Valiant23pl: but it WAS a mistake
That put me 2nd in chips, after I was in serious danger of going out in 20 something :lol :lol :lol :lol
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Re: Ever Pressed The Wrong Button? Wrong key!!!!! - nearly wet myself laffing :lol .... don't think Riffmish was amused. Ended up 2nd - so (with bounty) have $384 plus $60 for every goal plus/minus n*$25 where n is goal difference between Portugal and England plus (I think) $100 for every goal Gary Neville or Ferreira scores. Need a spreadsheet to figure out what I won :lol . This is one well magic tournement - mucho repect to Mansion. :clap :clap :clap

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Re: Ever Pressed The Wrong Button? I bubbled AGAIN i was absolutely knackered i think i even fell asleep for 10 minutes os so and woke up to find myself about 25th and well short stacked it was a struggle from there onwards does Mansion keep a hand history ? i cant seem to find it Does that mean i get Lennon

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Re: Ever Pressed The Wrong Button? i think i even fell asleep for 10 minutes os so and woke up to find myself about 25th and well short stacked it was a struggle from there onwards Thats what happenned - i was on the same table as you in both the WC Tourney and the final stages of the $500 added and you timed out on both and went quiet for 10 mins or so :lol Was riding high with 25 left in the WC but mde a twat of a call and lost half my stack :$ Ended up with a decent shirt number though - 11 Come on Joe Cole (and maybe even Simao) :clap

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