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pokerstars 1ksterling fr today?


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Re: pokerstars 1ksterling fr today? No mate there is one listed, only 200 odd people in it too. see here;

Tonight there is a £1000 ($1850) freeroll on PokerStars, starts at 8pm. Find it under the Private tab. You do need a password to enter the torney tho, this can be found in July's issue of WPT Magazine. Worth grabbing a copy tho, registration has been open since 14th of june and only 197 registered.:loon:loon Some real value in this freeroll. Steve.
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Re: pokerstars 1ksterling fr today? Out on the bloody bubble. The 2 short stacks both went all in and won their respective hands, leaving me 31st out of 31 left. Dealt an A7 so went all in, called by A2. 2 on the flop ended my game. :@ :@ I give up.:wall :wall :wall Steve.

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Re: pokerstars 1ksterling fr today? Unlucky Steve. You and me were both a bit card dead for a while.. it sucked. I finally got QQ and this happened: Blinds 100/200. EP raises to 600. I call from LP. Flop J,T,Q, two clubs. Raiser bets 1000. I call. Turn 4. Raiser checks. I check. River K. Raiser moves all in. I fold. Why oh why didn't I re-raise preflop, then push the flop? Turns out he had AJ.. so wouldn't have called a push. I know I played it badly, but that flop scared me, and I almost convinced myself he had AK and that I was calling just to hit the house. Later on when I had more time to think, I decided that AK would never bet the flop like that.. so he must've been a smaller A. You live and learn I suppose :)

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