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SnG STT stats


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Re: SnG STT stats have you tried staggering your games? so fire up 2, wait 15/20 mins and fire up another 2 Just a thought So when you are HU, you keep that screen up all the time and the others you minimise, so they pop up only on your go, and as you are folding 95% of hands its easier to play Damo

Interesting - you seem to do really well when Heads Up!!!! I'm only winning 35% of my Heads Up (but winning 12.5% of games I enter - still winning more than my fair share). My HU game is pretty poor, but I also put it down to struggling even more when I'm HU and multitabling........
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Re: SnG STT stats The spreadsheet dies on my laptop.. but then I'm using OpenOffice (similar and compatible with MS Office, but free), so obviously it's not entirely compatible. It's very interesting to see everyone's stats. Gives us all something to compare our own against. Keep 'em coming! :)

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Re: SnG STT stats yup - I couldn't get it to work with MS Works either its coz of the formula's I guess and its 11.5 meg..... Damo

The spreadsheet dies on my laptop.. but then I'm using OpenOffice (similar and compatible with MS Office, but free), so obviously it's not entirely compatible. It's very interesting to see everyone's stats. Gives us all something to compare our own against. Keep 'em coming! :)
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Re: SnG STT stats

have you tried staggering your games? so fire up 2, wait 15/20 mins and fire up another 2 Just a thought So when you are HU, you keep that screen up all the time and the others you minimise, so they pop up only on your go, and as you are folding 95% of hands its easier to play Damo
Well, I have a 23" screen, so very little overlap with 4 tables - that's not a problem. I do already tend to open the tables in pairs ..... but still always seem to manage to get HU in a few at the same time!!!! Maybe I'm just crap at HU!!!!! (well I am - but maybe worse than I realise.....)
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Re: SnG STT stats are you playing full or short tables? at least with full the payout is not bad for 2nd and at least you ARE geting HU :ok Damo ps u have HoH2 right? just gen up on the hands to shove and shove

Well, I have a 23" screen, so very little overlap with 4 tables - that's not a problem. I do already tend to open the tables in pairs ..... but still always seem to manage to get HU in a few at the same time!!!! Maybe I'm just crap at HU!!!!! (well I am - but maybe worse than I realise.....)
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Re: SnG STT stats Yeah - I'm playing 10 seat. Getting ITM for almost 50%, finishing 1st 12.5%, 2nd 22.5% and 3rd 12.5% - so not disasterous by any means.....

It was HoH 2 that got me to the 35% win rate HU :loon
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Re: SnG STT stats final monthly stats for June :eek best month ever for STT's (gawd bless the $109's:nana :nana :nana ) Roll on July! BTW I redo my spreadsheet every month, so I can see a month-by-month overview of how I am doing Am reverting to plan B for some of this month - Am gonna play a few $22 & $33 and use the winnings to pay for the $109's :ok Damo :cheers ps I AM NOT GOING TO PLAY ANY $55's AT ALL - had my dominating Aces beaten 4 times tonight on the bubble :@ and the only time I was dominated I didn't hit anything (obviously..... A4 vs A5 and I can't even get a split pot......:eyes 3QK72 flop )

$50 full table-$10.00
$50 short handed-$195.00
$100 short handed$1,257.00
$100 full table$173.00
$200 short handed-$215.00
total SnG profit$1,010.00
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Re: SnG STT stats

For some reason sporting odds ..or boss media ..has removed the $3 stt 10 seater tables...anyone know why?
I sent an email to poker.co.uk about this a couple of days ago (in fact all the $3 tables have gone) and got a reply back from cust svc saying they had passed it on to the poker management team. Still waiting for a reply from them. :\ Will post a thread when I get a reply. Played alot lot less this month since they disappeared!
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Re: SnG STT stats

Played alot lot less this month since they disappeared!
Notice from Mr V's posts that there are $3 + 40c tables on PokerStars. Tribeca have low limit STT's too (right down to 10c!!! :loon)
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Re: SnG STT stats

I sent an email to poker.co.uk about this a couple of days ago (in fact all the $3 tables have gone) and got a reply back from cust svc saying they had passed it on to the poker management team. Still waiting for a reply from them. :\ Will post a thread when I get a reply. Played alot lot less this month since they disappeared!
The $3 games are back on Boss :ok
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