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SnG STT stats


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Re: SnG STT stats Have to be honest - never browsed 2plus2 before - is a nightmare!!!! (to be fair - I think they are so big, it makes it very difficult!!!) I can't find it I'm afraid!!! (I downloaded from elsewhere - will see if I can find a link)

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Re: SnG STT stats I am doing it manually (which you have to on Boss) - some sites will import the data automatically for you - either directly or through poker tracker - I haven't played around with this yet, but imagine it'll all be fairly automatic and straightforward (if your site is supported!!!)

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Re: SnG STT stats Can it cope with different currencies? The main problem with my home-made spreadsheet is that I'm in £ on BetFair and $ everywhere else, which means I can't simply 'sum' it. (and why I've still not counted May up properly as I keep getting a different total! :lol )

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Re: SnG STT stats

Can it cope with different currencies? The main problem with my home-made spreadsheet is that I'm in £ on BetFair and $ everywhere else' date=' which means I can't simply 'sum' it. (and why I've still not counted May up properly as I keep getting a different total! :lol )[/quote'] There are $ tables on Betfair ...... if you play them instead you get more MPPs for the same amount of money !!! Because $1 tables are given same MPPs as £1 tables (for example). Will also be an impact on rake .... the cap on the maximum rake will be lower on $ tables (i.e. it is capped at $3 on $ tables and £3 on £ tables - hypothetical numbers - don't know the real ones off the top of my head). Of course - there will be a flip side - you'll pay rake at a lower level. Not 100% certain about the rake details, but pretty confident on the MPPs. But to answer your question directly - no I don't think the spreadsheet deals with different currencies - though you could I imagine use different sheets for each currency and know that one of them is GBP - then change the symbol and put a conversion in the summary sheet. (none of it is protected, so nothing to stop that!!)
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Re: SnG STT stats

Sorry to be a pain. I was going to post my stats so far but I can't get them into a table. Can anyone tell this muppet how to do that? Cheers.
Is just a straight copy and paste from Excel...... Only works in IE though - not with Mozilla Firefox
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Re: SnG STT stats NO NO NO!! the macro does all this for you - you don't need to input ANYTHING in the games section you mentioned below Have posted a beginners guide here http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30781 best ignore this folks, otherwise you are going todrive yourself bonkers trying to do this LOL - let technology take the strain :ok Otherwise you are spot on with the rest Damo

If you're talking STT's.... From row 13, you enter your results. Date in Col C (format DD/MM/YYY is good) Time your tourney started in col E (format HH:MM is good using 24h clock) Your finishing position in Col F (just a single digit) The time (in minutes) that your tourney lasted - you have to calculate this yourself!!! So it's looking for a number like 46 for a 46 minute game. Notes, Site and Tourney Number don't appear to be used elsewhere....
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Re: SnG STT stats

NO NO NO!! the macro does all this for you - you don't need to input ANYTHING in the games section you mentioned below
Ta mate :$ I assumed the button was to automatically import from the hard drive, so being on Boss, never experimented with it........
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Re: SnG STT stats LOL - no probs it just makes life easier easy mistake to make - especially if you are not used to using macro's and get the scary - "macro's harbour virus's" blah-di-blah message (which you do need to take seriously is d/l shite from sites or email - they prolly are virus's!! anyway this macro is not a virus so enable it to get the spredsheet to work - you can do this every time you boot it, or alternatively go to (in EXCEL) Tools Macro Security choose low - it will run the spreadsheet witout asking about the macro but will also run other macro's without asking, hence the virus bollox from dodgy emails and porn sites - be it on your own head folks!!! Damo ps this is LESSON 2 :)

Ta mate :$ I assumed the button was to automatically import from the hard drive, so being on Boss, never experimented with it........
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Re: SnG STT stats

easy mistake to make - especially if you are not used to using macro's and get the scary - "macro's harbour virus's" blah-di-blah message (which you do need to take seriously is d/l shite from sites or email - they prolly are virus's!!
Believe it or not I am quite proficient in Excel!!! I have the MOUS (called MOS now? They thought that the word USER sent out the wrong message :lol) - just didn't sit down and have a play with it for long enough........
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Re: SnG STT stats

Poker summary PokerStars $3+.40
ROI 47.1%
ITM 50.0%
Total Tourneys 6
Multitable utilization 1.22
Total entries $20.40
Total prizes $30.00
SNG Profit $9.60
$/Tourney $1.60
# hrs 3.00
$/hr $3.21
Avg Finish 4.00
Bubble % +/- -15.0%
max OOTM streak 2
SD/tourney $5.66
Total SD $13.86
Winning Confidence 75.58%
This, believe it or not is my very first copy and paste from Excel, so apologies if its fcked. Had I not suffered 2 terribly harsh flops when all in(Had my stack decimated by runner runner to give some one trips. When I pushed them all in I had TPTK and far ahead. the same player called my KK allin with 42 suited, and in the other bubble lost to a blind steal that hit 4 card flush) I would have had all but 1 ITM out of those played, so I'm happy with those stats.:ok
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Re: SnG STT stats Interesting - you seem to do really well when Heads Up!!!! I'm only winning 35% of my Heads Up (but winning 12.5% of games I enter - still winning more than my fair share). My HU game is pretty poor, but I also put it down to struggling even more when I'm HU and multitabling........

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